Laid a strange egg, stopped laying, and now has a wound on her wattle...


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 2, 2012
Round Rock, TX
Hello! Maybe two weeks ago, my delaware hen laid a yolk and a rubbery egg-thing with a yolk in it on the top of the coop one evening. After that, she hasn't laid an egg since. Soon after though, I noticed a hard bump on one of her wattles that look scabbed up. Today, it's quite worse and bleeding. I also saw a small scab on one of her... ear skin flaps (sorry, forgot the name).

I don't know if the two things are related, but does anyone know what's up? She's the boss hen, so I doubt she's getting picked on.

edit: whoops, forgot to add the pics!

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This is a picture of my Welsummer when she had it. Your chicken looks like she has a wound like someone pecked her or she got it stuck on something and cut it. But I may be wrong.

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What a pretty hen :) I think you were right about the fowl pox... she has more spots now. I suppose I just wait it out?
And thanks for the help!

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