Lame chicken! is there anything I can do?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Feb 23, 2008
Ontario Canada
Hi I have a self blue dutch rooster and recently he has gotten very lame in both legs and is unable to stand, he is not doing very well and has trouble getting food and water.

Is there anything I can do or try that might help him?

I would cull...sounds looks infectious disease...have you medicated for major diseases in the past? got any pics?
Without looking you can't say it is a disease or not. Sometimes young roos will fall victim to old bigger roosters and mess up a leg. If the one leg is bad enough they won't stay on the one good one. Chances are he won't last long. Sorry for your loss.
i am treating a young sussex for some similar, if not the same...i did see an older hen "beating her up" so I'm pretty sure that's what's going on with her legs (although another BYC'er suggested looking in to Marek's disease). I have my hen in a box in a spare bathroom with a portable heater to keep it pretty warm for her. I started giving her Hypericum (disolve 1 tablet in a tablespoon of distilled water then give 10-15 drops 2x per day). She didn't have an appetite before I started hour after the first dose, she ate 1/2 slice of bread. I'm also giving her 3 drops of poly-vi-sol 1x day. She is eating, drinking and sleeping (quite a bit). I've had her confined since last Sunday and she's hanging on. Good luck with your roo
I have him separated, It could be a fracture or it could be mareks possibly, I don't have any pics and I don't usually medicate chickens unless I see the disease amongst them anyway thanks for the input and I'll look into some medication.


How is he holding his legs? Do they appear paralyzed? Are they sticking out straight? I would put him in a dog crate or other small cage with the food and water right in front of him. Hopefully, it's not Marek's. Whatever it is, he needs to be isolated and in a position to get his food and water without further injury.

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