Lameness in English Orpington Cockeral


The Farm Girl at Twilight
8 Years
Apr 30, 2011
I have an English Orpington Roo, who has suddenly developed lameness in one of his legs, he is about 10 months old. His roost is low to the ground, and he seems to be happy and healthy otherwise. I brought him inside last week (its been about 8 days) and he is eating and drinking normally, but he does seem to be sleeping ALOT!! We wrapped the foot he won't put any weight on, to keep it flexed bc I was worried he would put too much pressure on it curled up under him. I can't find anything else physically wrong with him...I have upped his protein from 16% to 20%, added nutridrench to his water every other day...given him salmon to snack there anything else besides just making sure he is happy and resting?

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