Langshan Thread!!!

Of the five breeds that I have in the henhouse only my Langshan are still laying. I'm getting an egg every other day from the six combined. Just enough so far that I don't have to break down and buy eggs. Fortunately I had a small stockpile.

I've learned to hold on to my chickens until I just don't want them. Nothing worse than wishing you had him back.
Same here. I'm in shock as none of them have supplemental lighting. The only ones that might are the ones at the end closest to my youngest chicks that have 2 heat lamps on them to keep them from getting chilled/die. My bantam Sussex, Cochin bantams and all of my Langshans are still laying. Which sucks...I only have one mature male and I'm for darn sure not putting him over my best females just to get chicks out. He carries recessive white and I don't want to deal with that in my "pure" colors.
I have 5-16 week old and 2-11 week old Langshans that I hatched. I would appriciate some help on figuring out if they are male or female. None have crowed. No differences other than tail length. My older roosters have been doing the dance for them. I'm begining to think the 16 week old ones are all pullets but I just don't think I could be that lucky.





11 week old

I have 5-16 week old and 2-11 week old Langshans that I hatched. I would appriciate some help on figuring out if they are male or female. None have crowed. No differences other than tail length. My older roosters have been doing the dance for them. I'm begining to think the 16 week old ones are all pullets but I just don't think I could be that lucky.





11 week old


1-4 are all definite cockerels. 5- inconclusive. 6- probable pullet 7- inconclusive.
Finally. A sunny day. That isn't freeeeeezing.

So here you go, some pictures of my Hanley trio. They are still in the final stages of molt so forgive the missing feathers. I love this group. A shade cloth over the pen and still they have lovely green sheen.

and I don't know what happened to the exposure in this picture.

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