Large batche of mutt chicks!


Feb 25, 2018
Morrow, Ohio
I have a crested cream legbar and a Easter egger roosters. And my hens include, buff orpington, barred rock, CCL, EE, black australorp, blue marans, isa brown, welsummer, blue laced red wyandotte, lake shore layers, light brahma, and black sex link. We sent 124 eggs to a friend for hatching, today he brought 80 of them and will bring the stragglers in a few days! I'm so excited I cant wait to see what they look like all feathered out. And try and figure out the mixture of breeds. And what color eggs I get! I'm really wanting and CCLx blue maran cross to make olive Eggers. I'm assuming most will be classified as an Easter Egger. I've got a EE rooster and 4 EE hens and what ever other Hen he Crosses with will technically be an EE as well right?

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