Large crop problem

Lady Who

8 Years
Feb 12, 2015
Dawsonville GA
I have a year old Bramha who has had problem with slow moving crop but by morning it would be gone. Yesterday her crop didn't empty and was the size of softball. She wouldn't eat and just would stand away from everyone then went to bed early. This morning it was still the same size and her poop is yellow. I try everything yesterday to make it smaller but nothing is working.

Edit: I can't go to the vet until Monday
It sounds like she may have a pendulous crop, but impacted or sour crop are also big problems. I don't have a lot of experience with crop disease, but here are some good articles to read, and you can also do a search for more at the top of the page:
You may want to cage her in a dog crate with water and electrolytes, such as SaveAChick or Durvet, and provide some probiotic yogurt. That might allow her crop to completely empty, and you can also massage it a couple of times a day. Many chickens will overeat and there are a couple in my flock who are pigs.
It's still full and now it's doughy. I gave her a bath (her butt was so poopy and unhealthy) she keeps trying to sit like laying an egg so I move her inside, she still drinking but not eating
I would keep giving her only water with electrolytes and a little plain yogurt, no feed, and keep massaging her crop. Some use Colace or doccusate sodium capsules, a stool softener to help the crop to empty. If you see a vet, let us know what happens. There can be a fungal or bacterial infection in the crop (sometimes they treat for both) which can cause a fungal infection throughout the digestive system. Vets have much better medicines for those things, than what we can get at feed stores.
We found out what was going on. She is just broody! Last night after I posted that we took her out with her friend so she could walk around (and poop) and she ran her nesting box and sat, I had just cleaned the coop so I left her in there. This morning I checked on her and she was hissing like a broody so my family and I think she was just starting to be broody and we didn't relize it. (All broody go broody a different way)

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