Larkwell Valley (2023)

I think the nest the dark brahma bantam is on is completely bad. Pulled 5 eggs out to check what day she's on, 4 had the cooked appearance I get when they get over heated (usually from co-nesters but also from super dedicated mama's occasionally) and the 5th had developed but didn't make it. Didn't take any more, she has a few still under her. I'll check tomorrow night maybe and if they're all bad, I'll let her sit still and give her some other babies that hatch. Shame, she made super cute babies with Wes last fall.

On another note, my araucana definitely are having a tougher time with fertile eggs. I finally have some. But I'll definitely need to trim butt feathers next spring to try and help with that
Buff brahma broke broody, so we're down to 3 in the isolated coop. She didn't agree with the move I guess.

So that leaves Mare, Bunny and Trinket on nests in there.

I sorted eggs as much as I could so everyone has a clutch that is all in the same ball park. Only issue may be when the first ones start hatching, the other two might leave their nests as well.
Might still move eggs a bit, just because now Mare is on really young eggs and she has been sitting for a while. So I Might give them to the new Cornish that was brooding and Mare Might get my Cornish babies that end up hatching instead, if she'll take them (I see no reason why she wouldn't though if I slip them behind her with some fake eggs to keep her thinking she's on something hatching.)
Hatching day for the incubator

Don't tell my family, I have more eggs in the mail right now

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