Lash Egg??

Honestly, I didn't even know what a lash egg was when I first saw it-- then, I started to research. Any way, I dug it up. See attached.
@Wyorp Rock Thank you! I started her on Tylan 50 while I waited for the AMYTL. I chased down one of those "online vets" while I was scrambling and that is what he recommended. I first noticed a soft egg in my nest box that belonged to one of my two Jersey Giants. Then, there was the whole egg white and egg yolk incident. At that point, I went to the vet. Since then, she does eat.

I will add oyster shells to the cage she's in as well as the 1 Caltrate.

I am so appreciative! I hate getting charged all this money with no answers!
It may be some time yet before vet schools start teaching about treating chickens. The rationale against it probably has a lot to do with chickens being a favorite meat source in our culture as well as very short life spans.

So we try to fill the gap here. You've had good advice from all the others. I'll just offer a source for the antibiotic suggested, and I also strongly suggest your hen be given it.
@azygous Thank you. How do we make it an oral dose? Dissolve in water and administer?

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