Last minute hatch Along 4/11/13. Anyone want to join me?

My advice is to not give up on them..this has happened to me during the incubation time and has been fine, as long as it doesn't stay at the elevated temp for a long time. My incubator temp fluctuates between 98 and 101 and I don't give much worry to it. When you candle in a week or so you will see if anything is developing :)
Are anyone's eggs hatching?! I had a broody hen that quit sitting during the week that I set my incubator up, so I candled her eggs and put some of the eggs in the incubator (which was a challenge because all of the eggs appeared to be at different stages, so I eventually had to take my egg turner out to allow for chicks to hatch along the way without getting caught in the turner). I ended up with five chicks from the broody hen. Friday was my originally set eggs due date, and I had 3 hatch on Thursday. Overnight from Thurs. to Fri. I had a few more, and by Friday night I had 12 total. This morning I woke up to four more, so we are up to 16 out of my original 32 set. I did discard some eggs along the way. I have a few more that are pipped now and a few more that haven't pipped yet. I did have two now so far that pipped (and one that even zipped) and died in the egg before hatching. I broke my candling flashlight in all of my excitement one night before lockdown, so unless I get a new bulb (or a new flashlight) I will just have to be patient and see who hatches. I usually give them until about day 25 or 26 to hatch.

Most of the chicks are healthy, except for two that keep flipping themselves over on their backs, and then can't get up. They look great besides the fact that they can't keep on their feet. I'm heading over to my favorite blog site to check out tips on what might help them, otherwise I think we all know what their fate might end up being. :(

Hope you all have chickies hatching!
hi all
i set 36 eggs and ended up with 8 along the way that didn't develop. 18 hatched out and 2 were incorrectly positioned. i managed to slowly pick them out. which was completely nuts because i have never done that before. but all turned out well and they are doing great. thank god for sally sunshines article and the internet and laptops. i also had 6 die during hatch time. it looked like they just could not hatch out correctly. like they died while trying to get in the correct position. like on day 18 and afterword. which is so sad :( i wish i could have done something for them. i got all these eggs locally this time. the last time i got shipped eggs and only had 3 out of 18 hatch out. hope you all had a good hatch :)
I did not fair so lucky. It took me all month and 2 trips to the vet, just to discover my rooster is sterile.

Well at least it wasn't me killing the eggs this time. Meanwhile, I think he will stay even though he can't produce unless he fights with the new rooster. He does such a good job protecting his ladies.

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