Late Fall Chicken Quilt Block Swap

Marty...I so love that duck on your avatar...I sure wish they'd stay that size :) Got the most of mine cut and started to sew. I am doing the chicken fabric incorporated into a maple leaf block. I am so having issues the stem piece, I just don't get going to applique the stem, is way easier than the headache and wasting fabric, now back to the machine :)
I totally understand. I ended up doing applique for some of my hen blocks. I'm doing smaller hen blocks, with a modified log cab surrond on two sides. It can be frustraiting, but we're not being graded. Its all for love and for free. The best way anyway.

One totally done...9 waiting for the stem I figured we were doing 7 at first, have 9 to the fabric store to finish for 14 :)
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Hi everyone.

Remember, we decided to do 2 a piece since there were only 7. Its posted in the first thread that we are doing a totaly of 14 blocks!
I knew that, but when I bought fabric it was only 7 and forgot as I was cutting, then remembered when I bought it....and going can I make it...but will get a bit more to finish the other five :)
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Made with love is more important than perfect. I haven't seen that chicken fabric. I would have loved it for the kitchen curtains I just finished.
The first set of blocks has arrived!

RockingBeaRanch's lovely blocks arrived in todays mail!

Hows it going for everyone else?
I just figured out how to do the stem block, so finishing hand applique :) Can I say excited! oh and my first chick hatched from a broody...and setting up bator as they have only about 13 eggs..sheesh...might have to sit up a chair out there :)
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