Lavender Ameraucana Breeders .... UNITE

My lavender boy with one of his ladies


I have some of John's Original Lavender Bantams. I am so happy with how they are maturing. Gotta get some new pics soon and post
Thanks all! I wasn't quite sure of him when I first got him. He was in that gangly and scrawny stage with very long legs lol. He really matured a lot since then and has grown in to those long legs :) I'm hoping for some stunning babies in the spring :)
My lavender boy with one of his ladies :)





Interesting, I was gonna ask if that's what line he was from... I got a group myself this year but culled all except a pair... your boy looks quite similar to mine, I think...






How does the keel on your pullet look? Any deeper than his? I don't like how mine looks so I sourced out a trio of blacks from Susan Mouw, much deeper keeled the way I prefer... after I hatch a good round of blacks in spring, I'm gonna try crossing them to the Self Blues and see if that turns out better...


Our boys definitely look very similar :) Your birds are very gorgeous! I actualy had to look up what the keel was since i don't know all the terms yet. My girls definitely have deeper keels. They're not from the same line though. I'm not sure what line they're from but i didn't get them with him. These pictures are really old, like mid summer. They hatched Feb/match. They've filled out a lot since then. I'll try to get some new pictures once it's warm enough to go out lol





Our boys definitely look very similar :) Your birds are very gorgeous! I actualy had to look up what the keel was since i don't know all the terms yet. My girls definitely have deeper keels. They're not from the same line though. I'm not sure what line they're from but i didn't get them with him. These pictures are really old, like mid summer. They hatched Feb/match. They've filled out a lot since then. I'll try to get some new pictures once it's warm enough to go out lol





Thank you... I just hope to do them justice this next season... :D

I remember your girls now! Would like to see pics when you start hatching... I do like their form better... just watch your beards and muffs... you might get some without, but check them when they first hatch... mark the ones with the fluffiest cheeks...
I hope everyone is doing well! I took a few self blue/lavender hens to the Dixie Classic show in Knoxville earlier this month. One of my self blue hens took home best of variety. I'll attach a pic for fun, and another photo of one of our hens that I took a few days ago to keep the thread moving.

Several of our hens have finished molting and are gradually starting to lay again. Right now I am in the process of hatching small batches of self blue chicks from my favorite cock this past season. Hoping to get an early start on the grow out pens. Our winters are relatively mild in the south. Here are some chicks that hatched today! Happy holidays everyone!







Their all so cute :love
Congratulations on the prize!
Thank you... I just hope to do them justice this next season...

I remember your girls now! Would like to see pics when you start hatching... I do like their form better... just watch your beards and muffs... you might get some without, but check them when they first hatch... mark the ones with the fluffiest cheeks...

I will :) I only have 3 of those girls now. I know 2 of them have great beards but I need to double check the third since for some reason, my brain is not working and I can't remember lol
Cue the bantam lavenders . . .

It gets dark so early now, this is the only way I see them on days I work. I love these little ones, they are so friendly, and the roo is a fine little gentleman.
These are from John Blehm.
Cue the bantam lavenders . . .

It gets dark so early now, this is the only way I see them on days I work. I love these little ones, they are so friendly, and the roo is a fine little gentleman.
These are from John Blehm.
Posting to say hello and to give an introduction!

I've only had chickens for about 2 years, but already I'm obsessed! I started out just wanting a basket of colorful eggs, but I ended up with a really nice FBCM cockerel and am working on developing a solid breeding program around him.

I also fell in love with Lavenders and started off hatching a group of 11 LAs. Unfortunately, a predator snagged 6 of them and managed to leave me with 5 boys! I kept what I thought was the best one, Tangerine, and another one who was just too friendly to give away. I'm glad I kept him, because Floppy seems to have matured to be the better of the two. I've got a small batch of LAs in the bator now, but I received eggs in very bad shape (dirty, water-stained), so we'll see.

This is Mr. Floppy. Any and all feedback is welcomed!

I'm also just starting out with Lavender "Marans" and hope to get some nice Lavender Olive Eggers from them. I've already got 2 that I hatched from purchased eggs, and they just started laying pretty mint green eggs.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone!

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