Lavender Orpington project ....

After viewing the photos on this thread, I guess I have two LAVENDER ORPINGTON HENS.... I just thought they were different shades of grey... in fact their names are GRAYBEE, and SPECKLES, cuz that's what they look like.... We bought them and their brothers and sisters as day old chicks from a local breeder, who is also a member on this site, and have had the best luck with our flock...we did lose one last week to an unknown cause, but the rest of the gang is growing strong...
Have they been keeping the rooster in the sun a lot? When my lavender roos freerange a lot in the sunshine they get that yellowish tinge to them. When they molt, they lose it. I have heard some things about corn affecting the coloring but it doesn't seem to happen with the hens, only the roos in the hackle and saddle areas so I think it is the sun in my case.

My solid blues (BBS) sometimes also get the yellow/brownish tinges to them in the summer as well. The sun bleaches their feathers. In the fall when they start molting they are all blue again lol.
Ah well I agree then if you are getting overwhelmed, then its best to take it a little slow. You might want to try getting a young cockeral or hatch out your own little roos. They sometimes are much sweeter that way. I have seven little lav orp roos (cockerals about 3 mos old) growing out right now. They are sooo sweet. They see me coming they all come a running to see what treats I might have for them LOL. They think they are lap roosters and like to be picked up and have their necks scratched. Don't worry most of the orpington males are pretty friendly if raised by a person instead of the broody hens. I haven't had a mean orp roo yet but any rooster could potentially be mean so best to find a nice one lol and put the mean ones in the stew pot or let someone else have them.
I would love to have some lavender Orpington. Where are you located? I'm in Texas close to Houston if anyone has any.
According to the breeder from il these girls are 8 months old now and still no eggs. They came from blue eggs too. When do they lay? Combs are red, they all get egg starter and scratch plus they free range all day on my 8 acres. What now?

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