Lavender Orpington project ....

For those of you who select or breed your own black/lavender splits to use in your breeding programs, I have a question.

The correct eye color for a regular black Orpington is dark brown. Most of my splits have eyes that are either "two tone" (light and dark split), though one has a solid light eye (not as light as a lavender, but definitely light), and one has a dark brown eye that would be correct for a full black Orpington. Since that is one of the few characteristics separating my batch of cockerels to select a roo from, what would you prefer and why?

My inclination is to go with the dark brown eyed split who "looks" like a correct black Orpington, but that could be wrong. I'm only keeping one, so if any of you have experience in this matter, I would appreciate your input.

I culled two of the five today (mostly for being the two smallest, though none were really small). I still have the nicest and biggest three. Two are now free to good homes if they are picked up (I am near Indianapolis). Otherwise, when they get a little bit larger, they are going to freezer camp. I'd hate for that to happen. They came out of a pen of great looking Orpingtons, and are sweet boys since they have been handled a lot.
My splits have an almost black eye. The only time I have seen a light eye is when I got a Mottled split sent to me in error with a group of english blacks.

New pics of my little crew. The black in the foreground is a split pullet. I bred about 20-30 and kept the best two. Their father was a massive english black from Fancy Chick eggs. He is below. They lavender girls just started laying this week.
Can't wait to see the results.

Does anyone know where I can get some lavender chicks in central Ohio? I'm just starting with chickens. I raised chickens growing up but we just got random chicks that were "left over" when they were being sold at our local tsc. Lol
I have been researching chicken breeds and I think these are my new favorite. :)
I have a lavender orpington question... Can they be yellow when they first hatch?

They should not be. They should be lavender/gray over most of their body, and white on their undersides. Ones with off color can have a yellowish cast to the gray/white down. If it's a solid yellow chick, it is not a lavender Orpington. If it is yellowish but still gray/white, then it is a lavender Orpington with poor color, because that yellow cast does not go away. Could you post a photo?
They should not be.  They should be lavender/gray over most of their body, and white on their undersides.  Ones with off color can have a yellowish cast to the gray/white down.  If it's a solid yellow chick, it is not a lavender Orpington.  If it is yellowish but still gray/white, then it is a lavender Orpington with poor color, because that yellow cast does not go away.  Could you post a photo?


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