Lavender Orpington project ....

That first chick does have a lot of white. I don't recall seeing that much white on pure black orps. It could be recessive mottled, especially if it feathered in black. The only way to know would be to keep it marked and mate it against another that looked similar as a chick or to a pure mottled bird.
Here is a photo I took today of Roo#2 (Mr. T). The one who was the most mottled looking. He was more creamish yellow and black when he was born not pure white and black now that I think about it. He is about 3 1/2 months old now. He is all black (he has a few splatters of bright yellow paint on him because he insisted on helping me 'paint' the coop a few days ago LOL)

Here are all the others. They are smaller than him. Roo #2 (Mr T) is in the middle bending down between 2 girls. The roo#1 is in the back of the photo. He the roo who was born the more typical color but he is smaller than roo #2.
So does that mean that the hens start laying at 18 months?

No your hens will start laying around the 7 month range give or take. Your birds however, won't show their truest form until the 18 month range.
So does that mean that the hens start laying at 18 months?

No. This means your roosters and hens fill out maturity wise at around 18 months and look their best. Hens start laying at 6 or 7 months, mine always have.
Soooo....I put Blue/ splash orp eggs in at the same time as a few lav orp eggs, can you help? Are these lav?



These I am pretty sure are Blue/ Splash...


Thank you for any help!

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