Lavender patterned Isabel duckwing barred - lavender brown cuckoo barred - project and genetic dis

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Just got these barred rock bantams yesterday any idea if they are show quality?

To my eyes they are just beautiful --

Although these threads don't seem real active -- maybe post their photo there and get some views -- and anyone reading this may also chime in:

or some experts may hang out here too:
I remember when we use to use AOL CD's to sign into the internet...they we free, but for only 30 minutes or something...I don't remember.
I pay high dollar for high speed internet these days and since we have tv's in every room, cell phones for just about every kid, tablets, computers ect....all pulling the same wifi...
We sometimes have to deal with "lost internet" connections...and it is a huge pain. (why pay so much money for high speed if we don't actual receive it all the time? :barnie )
We use Comcast and our modem has to be replaced at least once a year...another HUGE pain.

So I understand what you are saying....
I'm very "thrifty" too! ;)

I thought I was thrifty but if this is thrifty im just flat out cheap.
Two TVs (ones a console) no cell phone for kids. No tablets, computors or game systems etc. No wifi just a phone with a data plan.
Lost internet? Heck I have to go outside for enough signal to make a phone call.
I thought I was thrifty but if this is thrifty im just flat out cheap.
Two TVs (ones a console) no cell phone for kids. No tablets, computors or game systems etc. No wifi just a phone with a data plan.
Lost internet? Heck I have to go outside for enough signal to make a phone call.

Then that tells me you live in the exact place I wish to be living very soon!
I thought I was thrifty but if this is thrifty im just flat out cheap.
Two TVs (ones a console) no cell phone for kids. No tablets, computors or game systems etc. No wifi just a phone with a data plan.
Lost internet? Heck I have to go outside for enough signal to make a phone call.
wait til your kids get older...
They will pester you until you give in.

I don't have TV, because I won't pay for cable -- so therefore may as well not have one since there is no reception. (can't get good radio that I want anylonger either -- drat)--- Thinking of TV though, you pay 100/mo for cable or satellite - and then they take your precious time and put in ads every 10-minutes.

Computer --> Before I found ad blocker apps on the internet and installed -- all my usage was grabbed by the stupidest ads -- Justin Timberlake dancing around on my computer screen trying to sell some music. Don't even know what music he makes -- that was sure a misfire in the ad departments....

I'm too cheap to pay for a land line, And cell phone I can get 1 bar here. (but that is because I am too close to a tower...) -- It's fun and games -- Wouldn't trade for anything.

but the aggrivation is beginning to get to me -- so maybe I will make a change or two and move into the 21st century?
Us young missourians might be a little different, I'm 30 and have never owned a cell phone and dont really ever plan on it... they dont even work in a lot of places around my house because of hills
You're lucky. For work I had to have one -(such as they were back in those days) -- and after I retired I resisted for the longest time. Have to laugh about all places that you mention don't get service. When I lived on the ranch it was like that -- and some of the visitors really freaked out being cell-less. And it partly depended on which service they had -- like Verizon would work but Sprint wouldn't or vice versa.... Some folks need to have their phone implanted in their hand.

That being said -- there are two apps on mine that I think are genius. 1. The color detector -- mentioned here already -- and 2. the driving directions. One time (and I think it was one and only time -- I was driving to get to a chicken show to put my chickens in -- The show was 2-hours away and the brids were supposed to be in their cages by 8AM - I think -- so that meant a pre-dawn departure with birds, and cages and stuff I needed for a Club table etc. -- quite the production. -- It was not only dark, but also foggy and I had never been to the place before. One of the best moments was when the phone told me that the Highway exit I needed was in 1/4 mile -- because the fog was pea soup by that time and I wonder how I would have even seen the exit. Some modern conveniences are good. ;O) On the other hand - there's nothing quite like a cell phone that can't get a signal or has a dead battery.

Here's another thing that I think is amazing. Some cell phones can take marvelous pictures. If Campingshaws took thoes baby chick picts with cell -- then you have everything you need right in one hand.

Ohhhh speaking of baby chicks -- I pulled the plug on the incubator Easter Hatch along -- yesterday -- Now there are 27 MORE chicks here.

Jack -
Some of the white-looking streaks in his tail are actually lavender:

which goes to show what a strong diluter lavender can be.Otherwise that part (those parts) of his sickle feathers would be black.

Several lavender chicks from Jack hatched -- and I processed Jack last night. He's my type guy -- Hopefully the genetics that made his type can get fixed into my project birds. His phase of the project is done, and his pen will be needed for juveniles.....

Broody hen - produced an egg yesterday -- just about 4-weeks to the day from the hatch -- so she has been off of laying for 7-weeks. Not too bad. (3 weeks incubation and 3-weeks recovering)...I should photo and weigh her -- because she was pretty peaked at hatch time but she looks great now.
Are you up to you knees in chicks this morning?
27...How many did you set this time?
How old/young was Jack?
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Are you up to you knees in chicks this morning?
27...How many did you set this time?
How old/young was Jack?
You are right, Jack was young...he was hatched last July 31 -- So he was only 8 1/2 months old. His oldest chicks are the test hatch under the broody -- and they are 4-weeks.

He's the darker one -- walking out of the picture. Oddly he had a "bad eye" -- I didn't get a picture of it -- but it just looked, yesterday,like his eye was closed. One of my Brinsea incubators broke the turning mechanism, and I didn't realize it at the time -- and now the one in which the turner works, the heat doesn't work. I think his bad eye was due to incubation problems - and none of his chicks have had the same thing.
One less rooster crowing out there today -- it's kind of eerie.

Up to my knees or up to my neck ? LOL -- and I did grab all the possible eggs so there are still 67 eggs in a couple of incubators our there.

- what was I thinking? LOL -- I knew that this year, this segment of the project would be a LOT of chicks -- I think that the madness can subside in the future. Was telling someone that if 1/8 will have the genetics I'm aiming for, then I need to hatch 80 in order to get 10. (that's not quite exact but pretty close). Next project phase if I'm lucky - it will be 1/4 that have the right combination --

Now I'm thinking that in August, I will have to have a big season ending clearance sale.

But they are awfully cute.

Yes, I'm over-run with chicks. The newly hatched -- they are sweet, like little marshmallow peeps on toothpicks. (Just wait a week and I will be yelling at them for messing the water up)---
The ones that are due to go outdoors (their 4-week date is 4/21) do things just to get my goat. Yours are in that bunch BTW. It's interestng too that the pre-big incubator days - I have two sets of 3 juveniles 2-females and a male in each - And then the 13, and now I think 20 are Isabels -- and still eggs in the incubators. My feed store is going to just love me -- I'll be their very own profit generator.
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How many notebooks do you have?

eta Isn't this site wonderful...kinda helps you keep track of things..right?
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Updated pics of every chick, also banded their legs so we can track progress. I use the rainbow loom bands. :lol: I'll edit to add in gender guesses. 11am lighting under my west-facing porch.

Dark blue:


Light blue:






Dark pink:



Light pink:

Different lighting angle:





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