Layer pellets & scratch?? Less eggs or more?

Hi guys,

I have a odd question I guess Ive had chicken's for many many years but have never fed scratch grains, have just given them a layer pellets and occasionally bought small 5lb bags of cracked corn and gave it to them here and there they also free range, I've had chickens now that don't free-range because I lost some to Predators but they have a big run. Someone gave me a 50 lb bag of scratch grains so I give them a pan of layer pellets and a pan with some scratch grains at first they weren't touching the scratch now they seem to be eating the scratch grains and not the layer pellets as much and my egg production has gone down considerably, just need some suggestions on whether I should withhold the scratch grains until they eat the layer pellets or just give them to scratch grains occasionally?

Thank you for any and all suggestions!
I use nothing but Purina pellets w/ omega 3, expensive, however I want the healhiest eggs that can be produced my 3 austrolorps and 3 buff Orphingtons lay 4 to 5 eggs daily. To each his/ her own. I use scratch to call them in before lock down.
Hi guys,

I have a odd question I guess Ive had chicken's for many many years but have never fed scratch grains, have just given them a layer pellets and occasionally bought small 5lb bags of cracked corn and gave it to them here and there they also free range, I've had chickens now that don't free-range because I lost some to Predators but they have a big run. Someone gave me a 50 lb bag of scratch grains so I give them a pan of layer pellets and a pan with some scratch grains at first they weren't touching the scratch now they seem to be eating the scratch grains and not the layer pellets as much and my egg production has gone down considerably, just need some suggestions on whether I should withhold the scratch grains until they eat the layer pellets or just give them to scratch grains occasionally?

Thank you for any and all suggestions!
We used to feed our hens scraps- vegetable peeling, grains, table scraps etc. The quality of our eggs suffered as a result. We now feed them only crumbles with scratch a a treat at the end of the day when we put them in. They LOVE scratch. But they only get a handful a day. We also let them free range during the day. My point here though, we thought feeding them scraps of food was a good thing, but now believe it interfered with proper nutrition. They are doing great on a steady diet of crumbles and bugs. We also built food silos with 3 inch PVC pipe which eliminated the waste.
We used to feed our hens scraps- vegetable peeling, grains, table scraps etc. The quality of our eggs suffered as a result. We now feed them only crumbles with scratch a a treat at the end of the day when we put them in. They LOVE scratch. But they only get a handful a day. We also let them free range during the day. My point here though, we thought feeding them scraps of food was a good thing, but now believe it interfered with proper nutrition. They are doing great on a steady diet of crumbles and bugs. We also built food silos with 3 inch PVC pipe which eliminated the waste.
I believe scraps also summons those filthy coons.
I have been feeding scratch grain for many years but I only provide a hand full first thing in the morning as a treat and another hand full in the evening to get them to come inside the coop so I can lock them up for the night. There is no better way to get them to come in for the night. No matter what they are doing out in the run they will all come running when it is scratch time.
I am on the same page as Charlie Chicken. I use scratch for a treat and training to get them to come in the coop at any time of the day. It works every time, makes rounding them up guaranteed. Also, a handful in the morning when I let them into the orchard to free range. They are trained to come to me now just at the sound of my voice, comes in handy.
Hi guys,

I have a odd question I guess Ive had chicken's for many many years but have never fed scratch grains, have just given them a layer pellets and occasionally bought small 5lb bags of cracked corn and gave it to them here and there they also free range, I've had chickens now that don't free-range because I lost some to Predators but they have a big run. Someone gave me a 50 lb bag of scratch grains so I give them a pan of layer pellets and a pan with some scratch grains at first they weren't touching the scratch now they seem to be eating the scratch grains and not the layer pellets as much and my egg production has gone down considerably, just need some suggestions on whether I should withhold the scratch grains until they eat the layer pellets or just give them to scratch grains occasionally?

Thank you for any and all suggestions!
Every morning I let my chickens out to go free range. At noon I give scratch mixed with mealworms. They go crazy for mealworms. I keep feeder filled with layer pellets and of course fresh water. Every evening they head back into their coop to sleep. Next morning,
I've been holding back the scratch and giving it just as a treat in the morning and maybe at night my two big girls the red rangers I held back aren't laying too many eggs but it's also very hot here in Connecticut I hate this time of year because of the humidity but I love the summer
As I was gathering up facts and information preparing to get chickens, one of the first things I caught is that scratch is candy. And it’s heat producing. You wouldn’t feed a child candy for their main meal.
Hi guys,

I have a odd question I guess Ive had chicken's for many many years but have never fed scratch grains, have just given them a layer pellets and occasionally bought small 5lb bags of cracked corn and gave it to them here and there they also free range, I've had chickens now that don't free-range because I lost some to Predators but they have a big run. Someone gave me a 50 lb bag of scratch grains so I give them a pan of layer pellets and a pan with some scratch grains at first they weren't touching the scratch now they seem to be eating the scratch grains and not the layer pellets as much and my egg production has gone down considerably, just need some suggestions on whether I should withhold the scratch grains until they eat the layer pellets or just give them to scratch grains occasionally?

Thank you for any and all suggestions!
Scratch grains are relatively low in protein and high in energy or fiber, depending on which grain is used. When scratch grains are fed with complete feeds, they dilute the nutrition levels in the carefully formulated diets. Scratch grains are like french fries—chickens that eat too many scratch grains have less of an appetite for more nutritious feed. If you are using scratch grains, feed them to chickens in the afternoon after birds have eaten complete feed, and then provide only as much scratch grains as chickens can finish in 15 to 20 minutes.
Scratch isn’t the best nutrition for the hens. It’s ok in addition to the crumble but not as a main food source.
My birds only eat crumble. Sometimes the pellet food dehydrates them if they don’t drink enough water. I feed them oyster shells all the time for calcium. The crumble should be a minimum 16% calcium for laying hens. Corn is good for winter as it heats up the chickens. Egg production should be regular during spring and summer. Slowing in the winter and in the fall-barely anything during the molt.
Lettuce, celery, kale, spinach ant green leafy food is excellent for them as well.
While I'm at it asking questions- I know not to expect eggs for the first few days because change is stressful. My questions are A) how long will there be no eggs (3 barred rock hens) and B) Should I expect any soft shelled eggs? I will be offering oyster shell in a separate container from the feed.
I purchased 3 laying hens last month. They laid eggs the next day and have been laying regularly since. One egg was soft shelled and broke. A couple were slightly misshapen but perfectly fine to eat. But all the rest have been great! Good luck with yours.

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