Laying eggs from roost


Sep 25, 2020
I have had a problem with diarrhea for two of my hens. Not sure what breed they are. I rescued them. I am thinking they are a mixed layer/meat. They are very large and gray.

They have bald butts and diarrhea. I quarantined them for weeks and they seemed to be OK. I treated them with corid for coccidiosis for 10 days recently. The diarrhea seemed to get better. But this morning I saw some solid poop with a lot of liquid. The last two days I have seen an egg under the roost with poop. I am not sure which hen but because diarrhea was mixed with that I assume it is one of the two diarrhea girls. The egg was very thin shelled. It’s like she is pooping and laying the egg at the same time while roosting. I assume this is some kind of internal disorder. I caught them eating the egg. Wondering if I should retreat with corid as it did seem to get better when I was treating. As for the egg issue not sure there’s anything I can do. I am trying to find a vet to do a float test for me I have not been successful thus far. Thinking of worming them as well. They are in a very hard molt at the moment, and I was trying to wait.
You can try giving the hen with the soft egg some human calcium citrate 600mg with vitamin d for a few days. If she is starting to molt, she may stop laying. Valbazen 1/2 ml given orally once and again in 10 days, is good for worming, and okay during a molt.
Even though you have oyster shells out for them. You would need to physically see that they are taking it in, otherwise assume there ignore it.

The calcium tablets is for immediate use to instantly balance there calcium in there body. But it's only used during eggshell problems only.

It's recommended for new bird acquired that they be dewormed.
Using either Valbazen or SafeGuard you need to toss eggs for 14 days after the second dose. Chickens can actually swallow a calcium tablet whole, but you can break it or give it with egg if she will take it. The tablet will get into her system quickly which is a good treatment for egg bound.
You can try giving the hen with the soft egg some human calcium citrate 600mg with vitamin d for a few days. If she is starting to molt, she may stop laying. Valbazen 1/2 ml given orally once and again in 10 days, is good for worming, and okay during a molt.
Ok thanks. Why do you think she is laying while roosting and liquid poop seems to be with it. Is the calcium better than the oyster shel I am currently offering? I have to figure out which one it is. Is there calcium in their feed too? I may want to switch feed, because although hers is very thin, some others seem thin as well when I crack them. I offer oyster shell at all times. A lot of blood spots as well in the eggs that I use.
Even though you have oyster shells out for them. You would need to physically see that they are taking it in, otherwise assume there ignore it.

The calcium tablets is for immediate use to instantly balance there calcium in there body. But it's only used during eggshell problems only.

It's recommended for new bird acquired that they be dewormed.
So I shouldn't worry about the feed. (I do get it from a reputable feed, tack store locally). So you mention tablets. If my memory serves me correct they are big. Am I just pushing down throat like I did other meds kind of laying it in back of her mouth? I usually can see where she is dropping the eggs from the perch so I will have to go in and see who roosts there. Hard to tell which one it is. I do know which ones have diarrhea the two newer gray ones(when I say new they were rescued last Oct so they are new to my original flock). I think they may have had diarrhea since the beginning. It was stupid of me to put them in but here we are. I wormed them with the goat wormer in the spring. Stupid to do then so many eggs wasted. I can try the wormer you are suggesting. They are really having a hard molt worst ever for whole flock. The gray ones with diarrhea don't seem to be molting as much as the others. They are ruffled but not finding many gray feathers like the others. Biggest question? I need to worm them all right. My old girl 10 yrs old didn't molt at all this year. I hold eggs right? Some days none some 1 some 2.

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