laying pellets?

laying pellets are a type of chicken feed that is intended for egg laying age birds. Purina makes Layena which is a popular brand but there are other cheaper brands available. While laying pellets are supposed to be complete nutrition for chickens I have found that my birds do better if I supplement this with scratch grains , oyster shell , crushed granite and occasionally treats like vegetable scraps or bread and sometimes meal worms. Hope this helps

Also some people feed yogurt, catfood, scrambled eggs, oats and mixtures of everything.(as a treat-laying feed should be their primary ration) Chickens are not generally picky eaters!
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It's feed for laying hens compressed into pellets. Even seen rabbit/guinea pig or goat feed? It looks the same.
I prefer it. My chickens waste much less of it than they did crumbles.
Its a pelletized food designed for hens old enough to be laying eggs. Layer ration comes either as crumbles (small bits) or pellets. There is less waste with pellets since they can find and eat them off the floor, and alot of food ends up on the floor as the hens root around in it with their beaks.
Yes it is a total Bal. diet for laying hens. Pellets are much better than mixed grain as the birds can not pick and eat just one type of grain. Less waste than crumbles. Birds like the mixed grain better, but the pellets are better for them,as it is a total Bal. diet.

I feed only a pellet feed during the breeding season, NO TREATS as that reduce the eggs output.

TSC also sells a pellet layer.

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