Learning a LOT about a Broody Hen!


9 Years
Mar 9, 2010
Yelm, WA
Having been a chicken addict for just under a year, I did not think I would experience a broody hen so soon. Boy, was I wrong!

Renamed "The Velociraptor", my Ameraucana broody has so far taught me:
1. Ameraucanas DO go broody, unlike some chicken charts imply.
2. When you're trying to handle your rooster and your normally quiet hen attacks you, she might be broody.
3. When you try to reach under your hen and she pecks you so hard it hurts through your leather gloves, she might be broody.
4. When your hen won't get off the nest, even though she's not sitting on any eggs, she might be broody.
5. When your formerly sweet, quiet hen puffs up like a tom turkey, screeches like a tomcat, and looks like she's going to have you for dinner, she might be broody.

So, I finally figure out that I have a hen that really wants to be a broody. I set her up in her own little mini-coop, with a nice nest box, her own feed and water, and 10 donor eggs from the other girls. What do I learn next?

6. Broody poop is NASTY STUFF!!

The egg-sized ball of poop was not bad, but the two large piles of cow-pie looking stuff I have removed the last two days has been the worst smelling poop I've ever scooped! I think I'd better cut back on the BOSS I've been feeding her...

Would anyone be so kind as to let me know what other surprises I have in store? I've already decided that candling her eggs is out of the question -- I'm pretty fond of my fingers and I'd really like to keep all 10 of them.
LOL. I think you've stumbled upon most of the shocking stuff. What is fun about broodies is watching them interact with their babies. They have this amazing language between them and their young that is fascinating to hear and watch, particularly when she's showing them a tidbit of food that she wants them to eat.

Keep your hands clear of chicken teeth and enjoy the benefits of a broody hen!

Everything you said is true. I can tell you that if you ever have to remove her from the nest to drink and eat, do not hold her anywhere near your body and direct her poop shute away from you. Projectile broody poop is not fun.

Pay attention to see if she is even getting off the nest. I have a broody the never moves and I have to put food and water right under her nose.

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