Learning as much as possible!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 10, 2014
Hello, I am very interested in getting some chickens but am very new to the whole thing. I live in the peninsula in Washington and am trying to find the best place to get my chickens. I don't want to do mail order chicks, and I think I would like to get pullets instead of chicks anyway. Any suggestions would be most helpful.

Chickens are great and you'll love having them. I would try popping over to the Washington thread in the Where am I, Where are you section. People there might have some birds you can buy or point you in the right direction. You could also try the Buy Sell Trade section on here and of course your local Craigslist might have something too. Good luck!
great to have you joining the BYC flock

BYC has a very useful learning center

Sounds like you need to go to the Where an I Where are you Trend

Then again there is the Buy-Sell-Trade Trend found near the bottom
of the Forum Nav: but to use the Buy-Sell-Trade you will need to have
20 post now you can get this by simply saying hello to 20 new comers
in the New Members Introductions .....

Nothing is too hard around here and if you have a problem just ask
and someone will help you eventually

hello and welcome! as gander007 said please read as much as you can from the learning center, I still do a year later. finding which birds suit your needs and how much space they need and how you will home them are good starting points. enjoy your chickens!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Good luck with your search, you've gotten some good advice an links above to help you on your way.

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