leathery egg, Penny died, very GRAPHIC pictures!


11 Years
Apr 21, 2008
North Central Florida
Greetings, to my surprise Penny had a leathery egg hanging out of her vent, so I carefully pulled it and it tore off a bit, leaked egg yolk and white. Now I find her in the bottom of the coop, weak, and apparently egg bound.
I've soaked her in warm water, tried to give her warm water, but its to soon to see any signs of improvement.

Penny died in a clothes basket filled with shredded paper in the warm sunshine. Thank you for your responses. I did do a necropsy on her, bless my moms heart, she sat and helped right along beside me.

You can see there is something not right looking at it, before cutting in through that last tissue into the abdominal cavity.

Inspecting the "stuff" around her intestines, its obvious that she had ruptured an egg, either internal laying or me pulling that tissue out- more then likely it was the first.


In this picture you will see the egg yolk and white that had surrounded all of her organs.


In this photo you are looking at the hens cavity, there was fluid including egg yolk and blood through out cavity.


I am surprised that I was able to do the necropsy, granted I process my own birds, but Penny was my baby. After opening her up and seeing the mess she had inside, I am relieved that it was out of my hands. Nothing that could have been done- by myself or a veterinarian.
Its been a terrible couple weeks, lets hope this is the finally and only good this way comes.
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Hi, I would keep her warm and offer her some yogurt or scrambled eggs. Is she getting grit or some other calcium supplement? If the egg came out, I would believe she will be all right. If you can keep her up for a few days in your house to make sure she is eating and drinking hopefully she was just stressed. Good Luck!
Thank you for your quick reply. She is in pretty rough shape, I put her in a bed of shredded paper in a clothes basket (what else!), I offer fluid yet at this point she is unwilling to drink or open her eyes. Even though I soaked her, she is still oozing egg white, seems like a bit of yolk and feces.
This poor girl.
I'll tell ya, I honestly do not have a clue, but until now I've never had that problem, never known of any other people with it happening except for those online here. I would even say 10% of all of our birds on BYC maybe.

Any other time when a hen dies, you just toss them in a hole and cover them up with dirt or incinerate them. But I'm wondering if it has anything to do with body fat. I noticed that my kindness (much like my own body) was a fat layer between the muscles and skin. She had fat within her body cavity too, around her gizzard and heart.
Perhaps after the emotions wear off in a while, we could start a link asking about internal eggs and fat related.

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