Leg Mites on fosters

AA3FFE73-4777-487E-974E-A1AB21223535.jpeg Roosters feet today 1/25. Meant to wash and reappply Nu Stock but found they all seem to be doing well and feet looking better and had other things going on with other critters so am putting the next soak and scrub off another day or 2.
Only got one picture this time because he was feisty and we just needed to clean/slather and be done.
He is improving still but not as drastically as before. Might also be I didn’t get a chance to wash and change for several days

Overall I’m still very happy with the progress. I may try alternating and doing Vaseline (or other ointment) next time. The feet are looking good and mites seem to be gone; but the hard calluses still haven’t all come off. Will keep working him. I have one other hen that I also cleaned and treated today. The other 2 seem good now. :)

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