Leg Mites on fosters


Nov 26, 2017
Central WA State
We took in 6 foster chickens from an evacuation area about a week ago. 2 Roosters and 4 hens of Mixed breeds. 3 of them gave very bad scales on their legs and are in clear discomfort. They are in a 10x10 kennel so are not interacting with our own birds. I have been doing some research and stocked up on Vaseline and will soak and scrub them tomorrow then coat on Vaseline. It took me a few days to figure out what it was as we have been super busy removing animals and transferring to fosters. Now that I know what it is, we are attacking it. Poor birds
Owners are pretty much clueless. They said it’s their “breed”. Multiple chickens from neighboring homes have it too but I don’t think anyone has a clue that something is not right. I only have 6 but other fosters have 50+! Is there anything else you can do to to treat a large number of birds easily? FBDD3306-B349-4588-9AB9-82F71916B309.jpeg 86D72EC8-94F7-4DBE-A336-9F5566772754.jpeg 242A530E-73D8-49BC-8EFF-1D0FA4839956.jpeg

Open to suggestions.
That looks so bad. You'll need to do more than that! Y
Heres what someone posted on my thread when i asked about dry legs an feet with chickens. This is if i had leg mites. "You can apply Vaseline several times to suffocate them but you must also treat the area the chickens roost. However, in my experience, I've had better response by treating the entire chicken. I wash in a cat flea shampoo, (only if weatherpermits) then apply Vick's vapor rub to the legs while the chicken is still warm from the bath. You can use any type of permerthrin solution to dip the legs in. No matter what you use, be sure to retreat several times. Dedicate aroutine to remove feces from thecoop, clean your roosts weekly, or remove them and get new ones."

But you should definitely soak theyre legs an feet an pat dry. An than with your finger or paint brush apply petroleum jelly coconut oil or natural spary. Make a garlic spary for their body. Im sure more people will start to comment also google home remedies for it.because they look really bad
To clarify. I only have 3 with scaly legs at MY place. There are others in other foster homes that are also affected. I’m reaching out to them to make sure they are also treating.
From what I have seen online these are honestly some the worst I’ve seen! I feel bad. The coop can be cleaned regularly, that’s not a problem. I just want to hit it hard for them. I have Ivermectin paste. I wonder if they will help if rubbed on before the Vaseline? Or does it need to be injested?
That looks so bad. You'll need to do more than that! Y
Heres what someone posted on my thread when i asked about dry legs an feet with chickens. This is if i had leg mites. "You can apply Vaseline several times to suffocate them but you must also treat the area the chickens roost. However, in my experience, I've had better response by treating the entire chicken. I wash in a cat flea shampoo, (only if weatherpermits) then apply Vick's vapor rub to the legs while the chicken is still warm from the bath. You can use any type of permerthrin solution to dip the legs in. No matter what you use, be sure to retreat several times. Dedicate aroutine to remove feces from thecoop, clean your roosts weekly, or remove them and get new ones."

But you should definitely soak theyre legs an feet an pat dry. An than with your finger or paint brush apply petroleum jelly coconut oil or natural spary. Make a garlic spary for their body. Im sure more people will start to comment also google home remedies for it.because they look really bad
I can definitely do that. I have lots of dog and cat flea shampoo. I wonder if I wash their legs with it after I soak if they will help more. Thanks for mentioning that :)
That's great of you and others fostering, helping out. You'll need to inform the owners, sad when people have animals & aren't more observant. Something from my note gathering ....

Scaley Leg/Mites - Soak in warm water & mild dish soap. With toothbrush scrub with vinegar, garlic or Neem Oil. Smear leg with Coconut Oil. Clean out coop; remove shavings; spray Orange Insect Spray or DE, spread lavender, lemon grass, thyme, wormwood in shavings.
You can do what is suggest above. But also if i were doing it with the shampoo id soak in the water mixed with the shampoo an than rinse and apply whatever oil to help smooth an kill the mites.


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DDBD1130-8DDC-4652-AF88-5F9C0272E47C.jpeg Treated the birds today. This poor guy is SO BAD This is a picture of the worst of them. The oldest Rooster.
What we did: Soaked in warm water mixed with medicated flea/tick shampoo, scrubbed with a tooth brush dipped in vinegar, coated with vasoline. (Used a paint brush to get it into the corners and crevasses).
Since they went into a clean coop (it’s a 10x10 chain link kennel) I just cleaned out the dog (chicken) house and put clean shavings (I use hemp bedding) and some DE. I suspect this poor Roo may need some additional treatment. The others weren’t as bad. 2 have no signs at all but I put Vaseline on anyways. This is a big learning experience.
That looks so bad. You'll need to do more than that! Y
Heres what someone posted on my thread when i asked about dry legs an feet with chickens. This is if i had leg mites. "You can apply Vaseline several times to suffocate them but you must also treat the area the chickens roost. However, in my experience, I've had better response by treating the entire chicken. I wash in a cat flea shampoo, (only if weatherpermits) then apply Vick's vapor rub to the legs while the chicken is still warm from the bath. You can use any type of permerthrin solution to dip the legs in. No matter what you use, be sure to retreat several times. Dedicate aroutine to remove feces from thecoop, clean your roosts weekly, or remove them and get new ones."

But you should definitely soak theyre legs an feet an pat dry. An than with your finger or paint brush apply petroleum jelly coconut oil or natural spary. Make a garlic spary for their body. Im sure more people will start to comment also google home remedies for it.because they look really bad
It’s too cold to bath the whole bird right now. I think I will put a shallow tub of DE so the hens can dust bath in it. I can dust the roosters with it too. I use DE in my pens all the time and love it for its multiple uses! I’m wondering if maybe using a garlic oil spray would be effective in treating it too.

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