Legal Elimination of Hawks and Owls

I agree! I just had a hawk after my chickens for the second time, today. He had one hen down but took off when I started yelling and running towards him. There will not be a 3rd time. Once more and he is gone bye bye...
I agree! I just had a hawk after my chickens for the second time, today. He had one hen down but took off when I started yelling and running towards him. There will not be a 3rd time. Once more and he is gone bye bye...

You will be the one going bye-bye, as in behind bars. You will also charged a modest fee. If you cannot keep losses down to acceptable level in a free-range setting, then confine the flock.
So today I came home and went to visit the chickens. Was doing my thing and cleaning the pen when I heard rustling in the yard by the fence. Thought it was a large groundhog but went to check it out. Turns out it was a huge hawk. I ran at it to scare it and it wouldnt move. Realized at this time one of my roosters was torn to shreds in the yard. Also realized he must have gave it all it was worth bc that hawk couldn't fly, it was injured. Needless to say, the hawk didn't get vet care, more like end of life care. First hawk we have had since we got them this last spring.
No matter what local laws are, you must go by the Federal Laws here in the states.  When it come to bird of prey.  Hard to get permits to kill them, you can get permit to trap.

Been trying to read all these links, most have nothing to due with bird of prey.

Lots are about migratory bird which do little harm.

We need information on the bird of prey. Not all this info on waterfowl,  and midratory birds . Yes we need permit to keep these and very easy to get.

Just check with the Feds. and you will find getting permits to take or kill bird of prey. Will cost lots, and you will have a very hard time getting one.

Dont get loss in all the link post that have nothing to do with the Hawks,Owls, and Eagles.

Many birds of prey are migratory birds, protected by the LACEY Act, and the MBTA. Migratory bird treaty is a North American treaty, and not just a law in the US.
So today I came home and went to visit the chickens. Was doing my thing and cleaning the pen when I heard rustling in the yard by the fence. Thought it was a large groundhog but went to check it out. Turns out it was a huge hawk. I ran at it to scare it and it wouldnt move. Realized at this time one of my roosters was torn to shreds in the yard. Also realized he must have gave it all it was worth bc that hawk couldn't fly, it was injured. Needless to say, the hawk didn't get vet care, more like end of life care. First hawk we have had since we got them this last spring.

I'll be sending this post to Fish and Wildlife, fyi.
[COLOR=333333]Yes actually.  (Replying to the person who asked if we had actually SEEN a hawk kill a chicken.) For 2 months now (at least) we have been chasing off hawks who swoop down into our front YARD and take chickens with our swinging our arms and yelling.  They do not care one bit that we are protesting.  Our front yard is treed, we have let grass grow up around the perimeter for the chickens to hide, and have taken to sitting on our front porch to work (we work from home) so that we can try to protect our chickens.  And these hawks are bold and determined.  They will come in and roost on one of our smaller trees (literally just above our heads) and swoop in.  They in no way are deterred by our presence.  It is going to be VERY expensive for us to cover our entire front yard.  I am beyond frustrated by stupid laws that keep us from protecting what matters to us.  OH.....and my cousin had his DOG (a smaller breed - Bishon) picked up from his back yard by a hawk. He was  screaming and waving a broom.  It is unreal that we have to put up with this![/COLOR]

Unreal? Seriously? You fill your yard with unprotected prey animals. Keep them covered and penned, or don't keep chickens at all, but to be mad that you have to "deal" with native animals is ridiculous. Have you ever seen and bird whose legs were chewed off by a rat, because there were no raptors? I have.

We are animals just like the rest, and need to quit thinking that we can mold every little part of our environment to eliminate any discomfort or inconvenience.
Bottom line.....we need to get legislation in to 1- allow protection to pets and live stock to include killing and trapping on ones own property. 2- In Europe, they have hunting seasons cause folks eat them. So having a legal season works as well to make them skittish. Barred Owl took my Cochin mix rooster and only ate the head and neck 'cause Interupted it responding to the screams . Coopers hawk killed a pigeon IN a cage even though it wouldnt be able to get it through to eat. Had leg full length into the cage and only let go when I ran at it. pigeon still died. Prob. same bird or mate, took a pigeon in front of wife one morning, and let it go only when she threw a flip flop at it! The pigeon flew INTO the kitchen as I came out of the door to see what the commotion was about. I have pic of barred owl sitting on a cage on my deck, trying to get to pigeons in a cage as well. Standing in the yard a few months ago the coopers showed up in a tree over the coop with me standing there. Had 5- count them - 5 fledglings with them !!!! Showing them where the grocery store is, I figger ! So they are tuff, tenacious, hungry, fearless critters and they are - NOT - endangered. Anyone know how to get an amendment to current law?

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