leghorn rooster

i ordered baby leghorn chicks online 5 girls and one boy im scared the rooster is going to be aggressive to my mom and me if it does it will end up in a good dinner but what was your guys experience with leghorn white roosters?
I don’t have a male leghorn, but I have had all sort of other breeds. I personally believe no animal is born aggressive. That being said could they show aggressive behaviour, absolutely. This applies to any animal. For example most cats are generally have good temperament, but that doesn’t mean they can’t or won’t scratch. An animals temperament and personality is formed from experiences. Therefore, you want o make sure you treat them with respect, kindness, and love. In return they will show you the same.
Usually it's not just about the rooster; it's about the keeper and the others that want access to the chickens.
I read it's gone wrong once and reading between the lines I can imagine why.
The likelyhood is it will go wrong again. One doesn't learn anything from dead roosters unless one is doing a necropsy.
Hope you get all females.
OP, it’s not typical for a hen to be broody for 3-4 months. I would suggest that you watch them very closely when you put the chicks in with the hen. A hen that is not broody won’t take care of babies. It’s likely that she will either ignore them or attack them. Are you able to have a brooder set up so you can raise them if this happens?

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