Leghorn Thread


Ideal 236 is ideal poultrys version of the leghorn breed. Apparently they have done some crossing/hybridization of the strain to come up with their "most productive" layer. We shall see.
We sell eggs at market and seeing how we never used the other half of the dual purpose breeds supposed qualities, a strictly egg laying breed made sense. The dual purpose birds could and would shut down like a light switch but continued to eat voraciously.
I am adding a few amerucanas and ee's to the flock to color up the carton however.
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Alaskan does this look like a Leghorn to you? It is out of my daughters chickens and I'm not sure about the parent but they have leghorns and that's what she looks like to me and hopefully it is a she. She has gotten a big red rose comb since this picture. What do you think?
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Ideal 236 is ideal poultrys version of the leghorn breed. Apparently they have done some crossing/hybridization of the strain to come up with their "most productive" layer. We shall see.
We sell eggs at market and seeing how we never used the other half of the dual purpose breeds supposed qualities, a strictly egg laying breed made sense. The dual purpose birds could and would shut down like a light switch but continued to eat voraciously.
I am adding a few amerucanas and ee's to the flock to color up the carton however.

I have also switched to more "egg laying" verses dual purpose breeds, same reasons. :)

So, the 236 is a white egg layer?

Alaskan does this look like a Leghorn to you? It is out of my daughters chickens and I'm not sure about the parent but they have leghorns and that's what she looks like to me and hopefully it is a she. She has gotten a big red rose comb since this picture. What do you think?

Humm.... It is wrong color wise to be a leghorn... But it could be a cross. My dark brown leghorns never can produce a cross bred chick that looks like them, since the dark brown is recessive.
From the web site:

The Ideal 236 is a breed cross layer developed by Ideal Poultry in the 1960's and is the most productive, efficient layer sold by Ideal. This breed cross has excellent highbred vigor, which takes advantage of the specific combinability involving a combination of 3 strains of White Leghorns and a white egg barred breed cross. The specific combination of strains/breeds has produced a bird with excellent livability and the ability to lay for a long period of time without moulting.

The mature weight of Ideal 236 hens is 4.5 lbs. which is heavier than most commercial layers.

Yes, white eggs.

For what it's worth, other than a rare occasional black feather, I cannot distinguish them from my pearle whites.
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Actually, also a bummer since it would be really nice to compare and contrast the production as well as any issues (prolapsed vent etc) between the two different groups.
Yes, I had that thought then realized what a hassle keeping them separate would be. I hope to determine the best layers of the group however, somehow, and continue the line with the lone roo that made it into the group. The thinking behind ordering from separate hatcheries was to add some genetic diversity. Again, in current appearance they are remarkably similar to utterly indistinguishable.

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