

8 Years
May 24, 2011
I have mostly read that Leghorns are flighty. Is it possible to get a Leghorn that isn't flighty and is docile? Have I been misinformed?
I hand raised two and one was a bit "Don't touch me" but was easy to herd back and forth from the coop to the tractor. Not a snuggler or anything, but not a mean bird at all. Mostly stuck to her sister.

The other is a total peach, she has such a cocky personality. She chases me around the yard because she wants to be with me. Calls to me when I come home or leave the house. Will let me pick her up and hold her some times, other times she hunkers down in a defensive "wings out" position, other times will run from me clucking and generally being a butt (that kind of running where she takes three steps and stops and looks back at you). Makes all manner of scolding, clucking noises at me if I don't pay enough attention to her or give her what she wants. I pretty much adore her. Like a cat with chicken feathers.
I have 12 girls now and I want to get more next year. I now I am a bit early but I can't help it. I love chickens. Thanks for the input. I feel better about getting a few now.
I have 6 WL (among others), they are great egg laying birds. Not flightly, they are all friendly BUT, they are LOUD!!!! Anytime they hear my voice, even through open windows and I'm in the house they "call" to me. I believe they are screaming "TREATS PLEASE"!!! I just love their personalities!!
I was looking at Henderson's chicken breeds and I was looking for a whit egg layer. I plan on getting a few when we get some chicks. It's good to know that they could be tamed if needed.
I have 2 Leghorns and they are no more flighty than teh rest. Very sweet birds actually.
I have 8 Brown Leghorns, 1 roo and 7 hens. They are the wildest birds in my flock, but they come up for treats , and will take them out of my hand. The funny part is my Sebright roo fell in love with them, and they hang out with him instead of my Leghorn roo.

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