legs aren't working


10 Years
May 9, 2014
Upper Peninsula of MI
I am caring for my silkie who has wry neck. she is coming along but I'm not sure about her leg movement. one leg is out stretched most of the time and is easily manipulated, but the other one she keeps close to her body and doesn't not easily move when I try to move it. my question is, which one is normal? I want to try to do some type of physical therapy but don't know which one is needs the work. maybe both are not normal. I just don't know. can anyone shed any light on this? when I first brought her inside, every time I picked her up something popped, that stopped, is it possible one of her joints are out of place?
Do you know if she was vaccinated for Mareks disease? Wry neck and lameness in one or both legs can be symptoms of Mareks. Are you giving her vitamins, especially vitamin E and selenium? Mareks and wry neck are both neurological problems, and I don't think that physical therapy would do much good, but it might cause an injury. Can you go to the top of the page and enter "mareks FAQ" in the search box? It is a good article to read.
Do you know if she was vaccinated for Mareks disease? Wry neck and lameness in one or both legs can be symptoms of Mareks. Are you giving her vitamins, especially vitamin E and selenium? Mareks and wry neck are both neurological problems, and I don't think that physical therapy would do much good, but it might cause an injury. Can you go to the top of the page and enter "mareks FAQ" in the search box? It is a good article to read.
I read the article, thank you. I don't think she was vaccinated. I am giving her vit E with a very small amount of selenium. nutri drench and vit B12 complex. and occasionally a sliver of prednisone. I am thinking a head injury since I did have a rooster in with them just before. he has since went to a new home. I mix the drench, i drop into a container with maybe a half cup of all flock pellets, their normal food. I then add a 400 iu capsule of vit E and I shave a little of the selenium and B complex in there and then add a little water. she eats on this all day. plus clean water that I added electrolytes to. when I found her in the coop she was upside down and thrashing about. I had to feed her water with an eyedropper. I gave her nutri drench, then mixed yogurt, raw egg and milk and gave this with an eyedropper. that was nov. 1. she now can sit up sometimes, and she eats on her own but likes to sit on my lap. she has regained control of her wings but one still droops some days. she flaps and scratches around to get where she wants. I tried making her a sling out of an old flour sack towel but she has figured out how to get herself out of that. I am stumped now as to what to do next. she gets so dirty that she requires a bath almost every day. if you have any suggestions please share.

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