Lending Chickens

I definitely wouldn't give him your hens. His conditions are far from ideal, I wouldn't want my bird in that scenario, plus it would be a risk for your other birds once they return to you, if he returns them that is. I personally wouldn't even give him eggs, knowing where the birds I produce will end up living
That stinks you are between a rock and a hard place
yeah, i'll say that is exactly where i am. He's kind of a grumpy person and im generally a tad scared of him. I need to refuse him though😣
We gave him 6 hens and a rooster years ago so we could make the move here and the rooster got aggressive so he shot it...without telling me first. I hate giving him more chickens even in egg form but i feel that refusing the hens is already a lot.
It doesn’t make sense to me why he’d want to borrow them for a week. Supposing he wants to cross them or a particular roo, a week isn’t enough time to get them producing a lot fertile eggs only off of his roo. And that’s assuming that’s what he wants, because I can’t think of any other reason to borrow hens for a week.
he doesnt know a lot about chickens other than they are birds and they lay eggs. I'll figure more out later with him next time he comes over.
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I think you're an awesome teen for evening considering the health of your flock. That rules! I think that you can come to him with facts - it's not safe to mix flocks, nutrient deficiencies if on different feed will affect the eggs, and you need more weeks for purebred. Offer a solution (you give him fertilized eggs). Maybe he will glean some info from you, but sometimes old grumpy folks can be stuck in their ways, even if their way is not right nor good for the animals. Just lead by example as much as you can, and be an advocate for your birds.

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