Lethargic duck please help

Apr 28, 2021
My Coop
My Coop

I bought 6 ducklings from TSC yesterday the smallest in the group seems to be rather sleepy. While all the other ducklings are playing, eating and drinking it’s just laying under the heat sleeping.
I’ve been offering purina flock raiser crumbles and I’ve now put out some hydro hen water in there.
I’ve seen it drink water but not eat. It’s a little more wobbly than the rest. I offered some honey and she ate some of that but now she’s still just sleeping while the rest are up playing.

I’ve seen brewers yeast being a thing but if she’s not eating will she selectively eat that? I even made a slurry of food but she didn’t take that either.

My husband said to take her back to TSC to get another but I just can’t give up because she’s a little off. I worked veterinary for 5yr I can’t not try to help.


I tried to give 0.25ml B Complex but she shook her head and it went everywhere so I’m not sure how much she got. I offered Nutritional Yeast and she took a tiny bite. What else should I do? Just wait? I posted in the duck area but no response yet so I’m stressing.
Use sugar water for this little one. Poultry Nutri-drench can also help a lot by infusing nutrients that will by-pass the liver and be metabolized instantly. It may need a little more heat than the others. Also, be sure to check the vent in case it's pasting over with poop which can make a baby very sick.
I gave straight honey and saw no improvement and it did gobble it down. Since it’s not isolated all the ducks would need sugar water. I can get the nutrí-drench tomorrow and it lays up against the heating plate I have it at an angle and it wedges itself in the crook of it. The vent was pasty and I cleaned it up and dried it off this morning. I’ve been checking through the day to make sure no more is pasting and the feathers have been wet but not stuck together or anything. I expected to see more life then the continued listlessness after the honey and b complex which again probably didn’t get much since it shook its head while taking it.
It also quietly cheeps a lot with its eyes closed.
I gave straight honey and saw no improvement and it did gobble it down. Since it’s not isolated all the ducks would need sugar water. I can get the nutrí-drench tomorrow and it lays up against the heating plate I have it at an angle and it wedges itself in the crook of it. The vent was pasty and I cleaned it up and dried it off this morning. I’ve been checking through the day to make sure no more is pasting and the feathers have been wet but not stuck together or anything. I expected to see more life then the continued listlessness after the honey and b complex which again probably didn’t get much since it shook its head while taking it.
It also quietly cheeps a lot with its eyes closed.
Mix the B12 into the water and mix the brewers yeast into the feed real good. You may need to offer the food by hand as well

@Miss Lydia
Update: cleaned vent off again it had white poop stuck all over it and the feathers.
Offered sugar water which she happily drank and I have a rice sock in a U shape where half the U is touching the heat plate. I got her into the U and she places her head directly against the plate but seems to be happily sleeping instead of peeping.
How much b complex per water? I assume it’s fine for all the ducklings to drink it.
They have been eating the nutritional yeast as is by itself but I can mix it if need be.
I use 1cc per 1 cup and half it by the next day. The nutritional yeast is best mixed in the food that way they're "forced" to eat it lol
Update: cleaned vent off again it had white poop stuck all over it and the feathers.
Offered sugar water which she happily drank and I have a rice sock in a U shape where half the U is touching the heat plate. I got her into the U and she places her head directly against the plate but seems to be happily sleeping instead of peeping.
Glad to hear she's sleeping peacefully. Keep us updated!
Update: my husband said the duckling was in the corner alone and it didn’t sit right with me. I got out of bed and it was on the opposite side of the heat very lifeless and cold. I offered fluids but she would not drink I moved her back under the heat but I feel she’s only declining at this rate 😢
Update: my husband said the duckling was in the corner alone and it didn’t sit right with me. I got out of bed and it was on the opposite side of the heat very lifeless and cold. I offered fluids but she would not drink I moved her back under the heat but I feel she’s only declining at this rate 😢
Is the vent clear, is she pooping?
Have you given her the nutri drench or anything? She needs more than honey.
Mix some yolk with water and encourage her to drink it. Nutri drench would be even better

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