Lethargic Quail


Jul 12, 2020
Greenville, SC
My quail, Turkey, has been acting strange lately. She's been slower and having some trouble walking, and when I picked her up, she felt underweight. I did some research and it said she might have nerve damage from not drinking enough water? If anyone had experience with this please let me know.. Turkey just turned a year old, so I don't know how much longer she'll live.

In the meantime, I separated her from the others and put her in an empty brooder. I put a little rice in her bowl of water, so when she tries to eat she'll hopefully get some water down too. It seems to be working for the most part.
Try this: You can add it to the communal waterer, it won’t hurt the others. If it doesn’t work, you can add more apple cider vinegar, up to 1 tsp.

per 1 quart water

4 cups warm water
2tbsp + 1 tsp white granulated sugar or molasses
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar
OPTIONAL: 1/2 tsp potassium chloride

Just add this to their water. The best way to find potassium chloride is to find a salt substitute in the store. Just adjust the recipe to the size of your waterer. Hope this helps!!!

If you use your own electrolyte mix, I would add just the apple cider vinegar. You can also try mixing their feed into some scrambled eggs, plain, greek yogurt or cornmeal.

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