Lethargic week old chick with head tilted. What is wrong?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 30, 2014
Two days ago I found one of my new chicks lying at the bottom of its brooder not moving while other chicks trampled it. I picked it up and put it in its own separate box under a heat lamp with food and water. As I was preparing its box I noticed it wouldn't stand up and kept falling over. It did however scoot over to me which made me think it wasn't too bad off. Later on in the day I realized it wasn't eating or drinking so I hand fed it and used a syringe to get water into it.

The next day it was much worse. It was lying on it back with its head tilted in a way almost completely backwards. I then began syringe feeding it pedialyte and mushed up food. It won't eat any more unless I force it too. It will drink though. It is really lethargic and barely moves. I nursed it through the night and it's still alive. It's vent is not blocked. I make sure to clean it when/if it poops which is now rare.

I bought infant vitamin drops selenium and vitamin e and have started it on that thinking this might be wry neck but I'm really not sure what this is.

Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong with this chick?
Does anyone have any advice on how to nurse this little guy back to health?


Here is a video of my chick in his current state. I forgot to mention that its a black copper marans and I'm not sure of the sex.

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There is a very good chance that this is wry neck, a vitamin deficiency. I would also treat with Nutri-Drench. Be sure he is breathing ok, that he is not blocking his own airway while flopped on the ground. Also, make sure he is eating enough food. I recently lost a hen due to something similar, but I was not home enough to have positive results, I don't think she got enough food. Good Luck with your chicky.
Congratulations on getting this far! Many chicks just simply die within the first weeks of life. No reason - they just do. This one sounds like you are facing an uphill struggle. You can continue trying to hydrate/feed it, but I suspect you need to prepare for the inevitable, sorry. Feel free to prove me wrong though!
Thank you! I didn't even think that he/she could be blocking its airway. I'll keep an eye out for that now too.
Congratulations on getting this far!  Many chicks just simply die within the first weeks of life. No reason - they just do. This one sounds like you are facing an uphill struggle. You can continue trying to hydrate/feed it, but I suspect you need to prepare for the inevitable, sorry. Feel free to prove me wrong though! 

Oh I'm definitely trying to prove you wrong. I know sometimes they just die but I'm just hoping that won't be the case with this one.

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