Let's Give It Up for BYC! - What has this community done for you?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 14, 2012
Hey BYC family!

I'm guessing I'm not the only one who has garnered so much valuable information from this awesome community - so what has BYC done for you? Thought it would be fun to list some things/people we're thankful for, and with Thanksgiving just around the corner, it only seems appropriate!

Here's a few of my thanksgivings for BYC:

My chickens! I wouldn't have my girls if it wasn't for the overwhelming evidence here that chicken keeping is possible!
Immediate help when I have medical issues
Encouragement for the hard days
All the coop pages I've browsed through while trying to plan my coop
Being the sole culprit of transforming me into a chicken geek

...and that's just the beginning! What are you thankful for about this community?

(Idea - Maybe give some ovation to members who have helped you in the past? Or send a kind PM to someone who's making a difference around here? Just a thought...
I love BYC! Even before I got chickens I browsed around the site and got great ideas about coops, runs, and breeds. I like knowing that I can come here whenever I have a question and someone will take time out of their day to help. It amazes me how something as simple as chickens can bring people from all over the world together. So here is a big thanks to all the folks who have given me and others advice when we needed it most!!!
I love BYC! Even before I got chickens I browsed around the site and got great ideas about coops, runs, and breeds. I like knowing that I can come here whenever I have a question and someone will take time out of their day to help. It amazes me how something as simple as chickens can bring people from all over the world together. So here is a big thanks to all the folks who have given me and others advice when we needed it most!!!

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