Lets hear it for the LADIES who build their own coops!

I'm going over the posts in more detail now and I must say, I'm so impressed with those who can make something useful with practially nothing.

Pallets, for instance, seem to be used by many to make perfectly good building material. I can't even seem to pull them apart. I have a pile of them right now that I don't know how to get rid of. Maybe I'll see if there's a chicken tractor in there somehow.

Also, Stehanie, that is a really neat design. Is there a run with it? I just love all the windows. Where did you find those gems? It seems like old coops had a whole southern wall of windows in every chichen shed. Most of the designs now don't have as many. I wonder how significant that is.

I built the shed that I am converting into a coop about 7 years ago. It's original use was a garden/supply shed. I began converting it into a coop a few weeks ago. I put in nest boxes and a roost. The shed itself is only 8x8, which isn't enough space for my babies once they grow up. I will be putting an addition on it as soon as time allows. The babies made their move outside to the coop this weekend, and I spent the day yesterday constructing a run. Lots of work! All the posts are in and half of the wire is attached. I will update my page when I get pictures. It's raining today, so there isn't much I can do today. Hopefully it will clear up this afternoon, so I can get it finished and take some pics!
On my page is the chicken tractor that I did my myself. My quarentine coop for standards, which is 6x4 was built by a frame so I could learn how to frame. Tonight/Tomorrow I am starting my 8x8 coop and majority will be done by myself.

I'm stuck inside today too, from rain. But it does make for easier digging if you are going to bury the bottom end of the wire fencing.

That is a very respectable shed to coop. Chickens sure do grow faster when you still have to build/enlarge the coop for them.

Anyway, I just figured out how to make my web page narrower so it all fits on the viewer without scrolling. If you are interested, contact me and I'll see if I can help.

Here's a very basic tweener (between the brooder and the hen house) I built while hubby was away last summer....my first "from the ground-up" project....usually I'm just recycling a cheap "find." Since then, I've added access doors, and light bulb, and poop tray. I'm putting wheels on it and screening in the base this weekend. That center floor comes out, a feature I use alot.

Well, I have built my own chicken coop (not complete, had to stop) and pen, my own Pheasant pen and now working on the coop and my next project is the coop and pen for my peafowl that is coming the first week of April.

If I ever find my camera battery, which hubby says in on the charger, I will post pictures.
That is an impressive coop! Beautiful job!
With all the rain and crappy weather yesterday (even thunderstorms!) I wasn't able to get a whole lot done. The two long sides of the run are done, posts in, 2x4 supports and wired. It was a lot of work for a weekend. Hopefully the weather will clear, I am anxious to get the babies the opportunity to be outside.
I haven't built a coop yet but i have built a few indoor brooders....

The serama shack, it was used as a brooder all winter but the seramas finally got their favorite spot back, They love it sooo much 3 of the hens went broody.

I recently built a lower level on it for more chicks

The top level is 3 ft deep by 5 ft wide, the lower level is a bit smaller
Here's my coop that I made. I did have a little help from my husband with the heavy lifting and my son put the shingles on the roof, but I did all the rest. Its 8'X20'.


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