Lets play "Guess the Breed"

Hey! I just took over a small flock of 6 hens and am struggling to figure out what breed/breeds they are, I'll get individual pics but I do have some of the group.. I'm getting some green eggs, brown eggs, and some white eggs. Any ideas are much appreciated!
I was actually kind of thinking "Elsa" looked like a cockerel with those red shoulder patches, but I didn't know how old they were. Pretty sure Ana is a pullet, but I could be wrong.
We had two EE cockerels out of the pullet bin last year, and we had to give them away. Such handsome boogers they were!

We are crossing fingers and toes that they are both girls. Guess it's just a chance you take. Elsa has the sweetest disposition. Ana is a sweet girl as well. Very chatty compared to my Buff Orpingtons. I adore all of them! :)
Thanks for your reply! I was thinking Easter eggers too.. The one with the yellow feathers I'm sure is laying the green eggs and the white one lays pinkish brown ones, I only found that out today while I was working in the run and cleaning the coop those two went in the nest boxes and laid an egg so I know who laid them. The brown and the brown/black one have fuzzy faces, the little bright yellow and brown one (I think she's just a beauty!) is kind of flighty as well as the black/white spotted one who has a red comb (the rest just have little red "blobs?" Lol and the little black with green/blue hued feathers is very sweet and friendly and approachable and allows me to pet her- even follows me around the run like a little duckling, she's a sweetheart (I call her sweetie lol) here are some better close up shots of each of them.. Can you specify which ones you think are with? Are the fuzzy faces ones the possible astralorps?thanks in advance!
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