Lets play "Guess the Breed"

Elsa is an easter egger rooster. Most easter egger roos are that color although they do throw some other colors. The "golden" wyandotte is a pullet.

I should also add that this one I noticed tends to get picked on a bit by the bigger fluffy faced gals.. And the biggest hen, the brown one with the fluffy face has a bald butt.. I don't know what is from, I aquired my flock from the previous ownership the house we just bought... I requested only the youngest hens to start out with so I can plan to gradually add a couple new hens as I need them so I can pick my own out, but I saw the bald butt on this one (maybe pecking/feather pulling? Thinking I should get a vet out to take a look.. I'm a vet tech but I've never gone on a farm call or had chickens in the office before! Lol currently however I am not working.. I became a mommy and I stay at home with my 10 month old daughter and my animals!
) and don't know much about their past/where they came from or anything... They just left them and also seemed to neglect the coop since I had quite a job on my hands getting all that built up poop out of there and laying some pine shavings down.. I'm sure they're so much happier now though! (I also spend plenty of time out there with them watching them, getting to know them while I'm working on their living space :) )
We picked up these 2 chicks at a local feed store. They were ordered from a hatchery in Texas. We were told that they ordered some silver laced and golden laced wyandottes. So, that's what we thought we got. Meet "Ana" (the goldish one) and "Elsa) (the silverish, brownish, blackish one). We are totally in love with both of them. We are just wondering what they actually are. Ana, our "golden laced wyandotte" is now growing what looks like a beard and has a greenish, slate tint to her feet. Elsa, our "silver laced wyandotte" has the same greenish slate tint to her feet, no beard, red ear lobes, a comb that looks like it may grown into a "brain" and has silver, brown, and black splashed throughout her feathers. I would love to get some experienced advice or guesses on what breed they actually are. Whatever they turn out to be, they are here to stay in our family. Thanks in advance for any help!

Wow! Those are two gorgeous birds!! Enjoy them, such beauties

I'm also trying to figure out what my newly acquired flock is (left from the previous owners of the house we just bought) they're here to stay as well, and like pets in my eyes lol it would just be nice to have an idea of what they are...lol
I'm new here so I haven't figured out how to add multiple photos to a post so please excuse all my separately posted pictures! Congrats on your lovely pretty girls!
Hey! I just took over a small flock of 6 hens and am struggling to figure out what breed/breeds they are, I'll get individual pics but I do have some of the group.. I'm getting some green eggs, brown eggs, and some white eggs. Any ideas are much appreciated!
I'm not much help, but they are beautiful! I'm still new to chickens. I do LOVE the speckled black and white one!
Wow! Those are two gorgeous birds!! Enjoy them, such beauties

I'm also trying to figure out what my newly acquired flock is (left from the previous owners of the house we just bought) they're here to stay as well, and like pets in my eyes lol it would just be nice to have an idea of what they are...lol
I'm new here so I haven't figured out how to add multiple photos to a post so please excuse all my separately posted pictures! Congrats on your lovely pretty girls!
Thanks so much! Can I just say how lucky are you are!? I would love to buy a house and it come with chickens! There are plenty of wonderful people on here that can tell you what they are. I'm sure with time, we will both gain more knowledge to the different breeds. Congrats on your cute little flock!

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