Let's see some of those EE roos!


10 Years
Mar 5, 2009
Church Hill, TN
I adore roos! All roos. Everything about them. Lately I've really come to love the diversity of the EE roos.

I only have one at the moment but that'll change as soon as my EE eggs hatch! I just set them today! LOL

My EE roo is Big Boss! He's got 9 ladies to himself. They are 2 EE's, 3 Black Cochins, 1 Buff Orpington, 1 Barred Rock, 1 White Rock, and 1 unknown TSC chicken that no one's been able to identify. LOL

He's quite the stud muffin but oh so gentle.


This is Mr. Peepers. He is 6 months old in this picture. He is the sweetest chicken I have. He was originally my momma's chicken and used to ride on her shoulder like a parrot. She found out he was a roo and now he lives at my house!


Here is a photo from a distance of our Roo-man his name is Paby. He is quite handsome. We will try to get a close up tomorrow with his gorgeous green tail feathers. He has 16 ladies all to himself. Lucky guy!
This is 'the one that got away' when I was loading them up for the sale. I had gotten hatching eggs, I believe it was 10, and hatched 6 chicks. All but one was a roo!! So I was loading them up to take to auction, and this guy escaped.

There were two that looked like him.

There are 2 in this pic, the red and blue one and the pure white one. The whitish one with blue and red on her back (at the feeder) is the only girl.


There was one more that was also very pretty, he was all red with black on him. Sadly I guess I never got a pic of him
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