Let's share our chicken decor!

That chicken karma!
Well I love it all.
Thanks everyone! The slate was actually painted by a local artist named Faith Rollins. Someone was tossing it out at a yard sale, and the coworker saw it and thought of me. No idea why someone would be throwing it away!

It's the nicest thing when someone sees something and thinks of you. And it feels like there is some, I don't know, Cosmic Power when it happens.
Sometimes it's a good thing others not so much.

When I started riding the senior bus, I met a genuine chicken lady who had been housing pet chickens for many years until her husband died. She started telling me about them and decided she wanted to start again. The other bus folks thought she was nuts, I thought she was great. Anyway I would hunt for chicken items when I went out and brought her too many treasures I guess. She hollered at me saying she didn't have room for anymore.

I took the hint and stopped. Now that I am getting chicken stuff for me - she acts like she'd like them too. Learned my lesson, I tell her where she can find the items if she wants them
Sometimes it's a good thing others not so much.

When I started riding the senior bus, I met a genuine chicken lady who had been housing pet chickens for many years until her husband died. She started telling me about them and decided she wanted to start again. The other bus folks thought she was nuts, I thought she was great. Anyway I would hunt for chicken items when I went out and brought her too many treasures I guess. She hollered at me saying she didn't have room for anymore.

I took the hint and stopped. Now that I am getting chicken stuff for me - she acts like she'd like them too. Learned my lesson, I tell her where she can find the items if she wants them

See, Debby is right, but in your case it was Cosmic Crazy Chicken Overlord ... Lady? ... Overlady? Okay, I'm just punchy tonight, sorry everyone.
I got pictures! Here is the little family that keeps me company:

Here is my tape dispenser, a present from my mother:

Here is my chicken lantern, quite handy when the power goes out!

And here is my favorite, a painting on slate that my coworker gave me:

Very nice, love them all. Especially the painted tile and tape dispenser. Thanks for sharing.
One more example of overlooked things...

I got this painted metal hat rack when I managed a kite store a couple years ago. We have it hung up on our enclosed front porch and it holds DH's many hats (which is probably why I missed it before, lol).

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