Let's share our chicken decor!

I love all the chicken decor! I'll have to get some pictures and share mine. I don't have a lot at home, but my desk at work is decked out in chickens. Coworkers buy my eggs and some have given me chicken related gifts.
@dynasaur I love the one you got, so much better than the googled similar one. The sparkles are more interesting.

Really hate it when we see something great and pass it up and once home wish we had bought it.
Or think it is too pricey and get home and google and discover it was a deal
and too far to go back to get it.

@drumstick diva Thanks for info, I didn't think about Michaels for chicken Christmas ornaments, spent hours last season on line searching for some.

@Pyxis please do post pics
I got pictures! Here is the little family that keeps me company:


Here is my tape dispenser, a present from my mother:


Here is my chicken lantern, quite handy when the power goes out!


And here is my favorite, a painting on slate that my coworker gave me:


@Pyxis , love that tape dispenser! Did your co-worker paint the tile for you? It's very pretty, such nice colors.

Thanks for sharing your things, you have some really cute stuff!
@Pyxis , really cute stuff! That tape dispenser is so cute and I've never seen a working lantern like yours before! I was wondering, like Debby, if your coworker painted that tile. So pretty!
Thanks everyone! The slate was actually painted by a local artist named Faith Rollins. Someone was tossing it out at a yard sale, and the coworker saw it and thought of me. No idea why someone would be throwing it away!
Thanks everyone! The slate was actually painted by a local artist named Faith Rollins. Someone was tossing it out at a yard sale, and the coworker saw it and thought of me. No idea why someone would be throwing it away!

"Tossing it out"?! What's wrong with people?

Seriously, what IS wrong with people. I ask myself that at least 50 times a day. Maybe a good subject for another thread.

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