Lets talk about goats!

I do not know about Nigerians, but standard dairy goats are seasonal breeders. The breeding season is about September through February. I have bred does as early as August and as late as March but that is not something I could count on. Pygmies often breed all year but I have no idea if that is true for Nigerians or not. After your doe is bred you will usually see a whitish discharge.

Miniatures are supposed to be able to breed all year, but I have not noticed her go in to heat a at least a couple of months. I have looked for discharge and nothing. I wonder if I should get an older billy to help her go in to heat if he goes in to rut.
On a young goat who has never given birth (first freshener, right?), when in a pregnancy would you typically expect to see udder development. Also would a young goat develop more pronounced teats as she matures without being pregnant? I have a young goat who is nearly a year old whose teats seem bigger or more pronounce especially compared to her sister. I didn't pay much attention to them when we first got them so I don't know whether they have actually gotten bigger or if I am just more aware of them since she is becoming more at ease around me. My concern is that there is a small possibility that she was bred as she came with a billy, of which we did whether immediately, I did have her checked by ultrasound right after she came and she showed no signs of pregnancy then but my gut feeling makes me think she is "in a motherly way". Since she was either not pregnant or less than 20 days along at Christmas, this means that if she doesn't deliver by the end of June, we should be in the clear right? We have the facilities to make her comfortable if she is so it is really not a concern other than making sure her nutritional needs are met and that we are prepared should she need help on delivery. (She is a pigmy)

In addition to the "more obvious teats" she seems to be broader than her sister (although it could just be her individual body structure). I have not noticed any signs of heat in either girls although I did see the wether playfully mount my other girl last week. I have heard that the pooch test is fairly unreliable but I can submit pictures if it will help.
Fords still not doing very well. I made some FF with the different things you all mentioned and he's been eating a better. Had to separate him from Stetson because Stetson just over powers him in everything. Feel pretty horrible about it.
Fords still not doing very well. I made some FF with the different things you all mentioned and he's been eating a better. Had to separate him from Stetson because Stetson just over powers him in everything. Feel pretty horrible about it.

Sorry if I missed something but did you ever get the results back from his abscess? How is he handling being separated? Poor boy.

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