Let's talk Cuckoo and WHITE marans... breeding strategies...

Raven..I really like your pullet

Lotsa and hentymes: pretty eggies
It's not easy to have egg color and type...those are very nice eggs too. My best hen is from Davis stock so I have offspring from her by 2 different cock birds who are both nice just not perfect so now I'm just waiting for them to lay and I have a son that has feathered shanks that I will be using back over his mom and I'll try him with some half sisters then I'll see what might be lurking in the gene pool.....Not only is the hen of nice type and lays a dark egg but she's an excellent layer who lays everyday even in the heat and the color hasn't changed much and so far she hasn't gone broody that's a big plus. Maybe someday I'll have some nice ones it's just so difficult to get started.
I bet she will lay a purty egg.
Mine lays about the same color as what henthymes and and lotsa are getting. I am currently breeding her to a blk copper roo (the one who came from my avatar egg) to get the feathered shanks and darker egg color in the offspring. My first batch of eggs should go in the bator next week if all goes well...then I will have to work on getting them to look like golden cuckoos again lol.
Well we're all posting at the same time I can't wait to see what all these chicks will look like grown and I am so hoping to get some good enough to show to me there is nothing prettier than that golden glow they have well I like the blues and the Birchens too...flgardengirl I want eggs that are as dark as yours.
That white feather seems to show up late.....mine has just one now that he's over a year old same with the silver guy just one and only a partial......I've culled all the others who had more and your bird could be his brother by the way except mine has a huge comb.....I haven't weighed him lately but he was quick to mature and I figured if he didn't pan out as a good guy for the golden pen his offspring would be good eating definitely a dual purpose type
Wow he does have nice size! Whatcha been feeding him? lol He is pretty too.

I have 2 females and 2 male golden cuckoos. The girls are looking kinda rough because they are moulting which is why the eggs are slow right now. One of my girls is pretty dark for a golden so I am only breeding the more correct gold colored one to my bcm roo.

I like one of my males coloring better than the other one but the other one is larger and much less high strung. The one with the better coloring is very spastic. His name is Chop Chop because he makes a noise like 'chop chop chop' and gets extremely excited if anyone gets near him. He isn't mean at all but he is really really hyper. He lets me pick him up but will start kicking his feet like crazy and he has spurs. I have to be careful not to hold him in front of me or I will get something pierced!!
You have to wear a padded bra if you wanna pick up Chop Chop lol.
Both of my males have some white in thier tails. The females don't. I hope to fix it by breeding in the bcm because none of my bcms have never had any white in thier feathers.
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