Let's talk Wry Neck/Crook Neck

In my opinion I would continue supplements for several days after seeing improvement and then start to wean off. Maybe even going to every other or third day once she has been reintegrated. I have a little guy that hatched with wryneck and I still give him a once weekly dose. I certainly don't think that is required usually but he had a pretty severe case. Don't be discouraged if she seems to have a few relapses along her road to full recovery. My guy still leans his neck to one side if he gets overly excited or something startles him but they can make a complete recovery and not show any signs they ever had an issue. Time will tell. Congrats on successfully treating her!
I have a question and forgive me if its been answered already but I have been treating a pullet for wry neck. It was pretty severe but we're on about day 7 of treatment and she has shown a dramatic improvement. She's not 100% yet, mostly because her neck is still crooked to the side. So my question is, is that going to be permanent? Or will it eventually straighten back out? Also should I reduce the amount of supplements (nutridrench, Vit E/selenium, b-complex) that I'm giving her or just keep going? She's eating, drinking, preening, talking and acting like a chicken but still isolated.

Mine wasn't. You might think about trying some massage to get the kink out or at least help it relax.
Mine wasn't. You might think about trying some massage to get the kink out or at least help it relax.

That's a good idea. She is eating & drinking on her own. I'm only taking her out 3 x day for drops of nutridrench (I mix everything else into a mash that she eats on her own). So when I have her out I will start massaging it. She likes when I rub the side of her head, she closes her eyes and relax, so I think she'll like it!

In my opinion I would continue supplements for several days after seeing improvement and then start to wean off. Maybe even going to every other or third day once she has been reintegrated. I have a little guy that hatched with wryneck and I still give him a once weekly dose. I certainly don't think that is required usually but he had a pretty severe case. Don't be discouraged if she seems to have a few relapses along her road to full recovery. My guy still leans his neck to one side if he gets overly excited or something startles him but they can make a complete recovery and not show any signs they ever had an issue. Time will tell. Congrats on successfully treating her!

I will keep it up, thank you for the input. I'm nervous because I'm leaving for vacation for a week on Saturday. But I'm going to keep her in the cage (in the house) while I'm gone and have all the supplements set up so whoever is here for the animals can just mix it in some mash for her. I'm really hoping that she does ok while I'm gone and doesn't regress. :fl
I also put her on a broad spectrum antibiotic.
im seeing that if giving the chick poly vi sol do not do vitamin E, so with the vitamin E what else do i give the chick she is 2 weeks old now and was born with this neck problem she is eating and drinking on her own should i give her something besides the E ?
Selenium is needed to absorb the vit E. I gave mine polyvisol, vit E, selenium and vit B complex. Has she been improving?
she has been improving with just the poly vi sol havent given her the vitamin E yet have to get the selenium tried scrambeld eggs on her this morning she is not to sure about them lol and the vitamin E and B do i put that in her water or just dropper it in her mouth?
she has been improving with just the poly vi sol havent given her the vitamin E yet have to get the selenium tried scrambeld eggs on her this morning she is not to sure about them lol and the vitamin E and B do i put that in her water or just dropper it in her mouth?

Once my guy was eating well I gave his crushed meds on a 1/4 cucumber as he loved it and always ate everything. You could sprinkle it on a small amount of moistened crumbles if she eats that well. The polyvisol/vit E best given orally although I did start putting the vit E on his crumbles once he was a more consistent eater. Good luck
Once my guy was eating well I gave his crushed meds on a 1/4 cucumber as he loved it and always ate everything. You could sprinkle it on a small amount of moistened crumbles if she eats that well. The polyvisol/vit E best given orally although I did start putting the vit E on his crumbles once he was a more consistent eater. Good luck
ok thanks how much vit E and selenurim do i give her? im afraid im going to overdose her!
she has been improving with just the poly vi sol havent given her the vitamin E yet have to get the selenium tried scrambeld eggs on her this morning she is not to sure about them lol and the vitamin E and B do i put that in her water or just dropper it in her mouth?

I'm making a mash for mine. I soak some crumbles and starter in water, then I crush the selenium tablet and squirt out the vitamin e into the mash. I also add hard boiled egg yolk and a squirt of b vitamin liquid I have. I make it in the morning and keep it in the fridge for the day and keep giving her fresh mash as she eats it. Do you guys think it's ok to pre-make it with the supplements for the day if I keep it refrigerated?

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