Let's talk Wry Neck/Crook Neck

Will be interesting to hear your results appychick..
About three months ago one of my chicks presented with wry neck/crooked neck. I brought her into the house and we immediately began giving her polyvisol. Three weeks ago (it's been quite some time) she finally was standing upright with her neck almost straight. She has been getting bigger, is eating so much more, drinking without our help and moving around constantly. We are going to begin re-introducing her to the rest of the hens next week (when we can supervise). I read about the vitamin deficiency here and figured I had nothing to lose. When she didn't die right away we just decided to be patient and see what happened. Rosie is doing great now. So glad I found an answer here.
Well Daisy is now 6 weeks old & seems strong & healthy. Her neck seems to have completely recovered. I only gave her one dose of scrambled eggs
& two days worth of vitamins via tiny syringe. I purchased poultry vitamins that also had molasses in there...& added it to the feed.
I didnt need to keep her separate from the others as she was still in the brooder & was growing at the same rate as the other two. I feel I was lucky
she didnt have a serious case on wry neck as I have read here on BYC & that contributed to her recovery with less intervention.
The chicks have now been in the big coop for 3 nights. I had to make a sliding door for them as they kept wanting to get out.

Its been warming up in Australia now so theyre doing fine. Mr Rooster now trys to bail us up when we go into the coop by side-shoving us...hahaha
Its so funny to watch him running around & trying to bail us up. He's so sweet, he doesnt peck us or anything.
Happy chickening...
Help please...I have my beloved Kadoola (silkie) who dropped his neck last night and is doing this very thing. My husband is a chiropractor and he said it is Tortacollis-he is outside adjusting Kadoo as we speak. I called the Vet and he said it is wry neck which is a stroke/brainbleed??? I DO NOT LIKE THIS ANSWER!! he says the only way to fix him is to cook em' GRRRRRRRRR!!!! I looked it up and there is not alot of info. I am not getting much from the er board (one person told me the name which was ver helpful-thank you because it was hard to describe) and I could really use the help please. Thanks. I am frustrated, ticked off and praying that someone can help....Please!
Don't give up hope yet as these symptoms can have multiple causes. Of course some can be cured & others not. My advice is to isolate your silkie as far away from your other birds as possible to avoid aerosol disease transmission if it is the contagious scenario. Research what others have done in birds with similar symptoms. Definately your bird will need some sort of anti-inflammatory if it has been subjected to physical vertebral manipulation as not a normal procedure on small birds,especially birds with inadequate protection to their heads & spinal columns due to manmade gene manipulation........(I mean nothing bad toward your husband as he is only trying to help out the only way he knows how.) In natural medicine,I would start with Arnica & Hypericum. Allopathic medicine-you would have to probably beg your vet for a silkie sized dose of steroid which would probably cause more problems in the long run. If it were my bird,I would start with molasses or some similar form of pure sugar. Seems energy & nutrition is lacking in these birds & quite often they improve just with quick intervention of massive energy/ vitamin doses-see previous posts of what others have used & compare to what you might have available to you. Because your bird is a silkie,may be more suseptible to nutritional problems as they have problems with Vit E absorption as I read on a silkie specific website. What are you feeding your bird? That may give us a clue as how to help treat it......(I am treating a silkie hen now as she has done this for the 4th time in 2.5 years after a stressful event,weather change,brooding,moulting so I am looking at a change in my feed plan...)
Also if you need more info about treatment & feeding silkies,post on a sikie thread as those people posting there are silkie experts in all ways!
Not finding any new info other tha certain breeds possibly more influenced by nutritional deficiencies,such as silkies apparantly have a problem with Vit E absorption according to a silkie website....
In the middle of summer one of our new girls, Rosie, presented with wry/crooked neck. I read all the advice here and decided to give it a go at helping her out. We brought her up to the front porch and put her in a large cat carrier. We began giving her polyvisol, vitamin e and selenium. We also eye dropped water for her to drink and held her in our arms while holding her head erect in order to let her eat. We repeated this multiple times a day. Occasionally her head would appear upright, but would quickly twist down. By August she had figured out how to eat and drink so we moved her out to a small outside coop by herself. She could see all the other chickens and they could see her, but they couldn't get at her. After 10 weeks we noticed that she was holding her head erect for longer periods (a few minutes at a time). We continued to give her polyvisol daily. At about the 14 week point we went out to feed her and she was fully upright....and she has stayed that way! She is smaller than all her 'siblings' so we moved her into the big coop but in a separated area to protect her. After a week of this introduction we opened the door and allowed her to choose when and if she moved out. This is the coop with the older hens. It only took two days for her to venture out and find a friend. Now she is off and running in the yard as soon as the door is opened every morning. Rosie is still smaller than she should be, but she is happy and healthy. We are very glad we didn't cull her.
HELP! i know you guys havent posted on this for awhile but my chick has wry neck and he has a bubble/lump kind of thing on his neck. Is that from trying to hold his head up too much??? also his eyes are sealed shut and i dont know what to do!!! i have noticed he has little bumps on him in multiple places and i dont know if he is going to make it
i have been giving him polyvisol and mushy food and water, but is that enough? i hope he gets better!
I had a chick that I hatched(my first every useing the bator and hatching out)One chick had a stargazzing issue I tryed diff things extra vitamins excetra(she started haveing symptoms 4 days after she was hatched)I had to put her down she got worse i was heart broke,so I give all my chicks the extra vitamins from day one I was told it was a vitamin B problem or inner breeding which it wasnt the latter because my group isnt related.It was sad watching this lil baby get worse and Im so new to raising and hatching I had no idea their was such a problem.Its hard to watch them go threw this

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