Letting your inner cheap out

we are very liberal with telling people what we need or have a desire for...grandma always said if you don't ask, you don't get!

you'd be amazed what people have and don't know what to do with. i will use it gladly!
see a penny
pick it up
all the day you'll have good luck!
We were "cool" before Cool was in! We lost the heating element on the hot water tank and because our water is so cold, we allow the old hot water tank to hold the water, warm up to house temp and then when the "working" hot water tank draws water, it only has to heat from house temp.
Also, we use our fall leaves betwen the garden rows, the chickens turn them keeping weeds down.
At one point, my dad had made a solar oven. Funniest thing I had ever seen with a box made like a toaster oven, a cake mix and a sunny day- I laughed but the cake was pretty good.
Also for recycling, DH breaks apart the boxes that glass slides come in (should mention that he screen paints on biopsy slides for a scientific company in NH), needless to say, we have built 1 chicken house, porch, garden boxes and a multitude of other repairs with recycled wood. I spent a few days hauling beams and two by 6" from a renovation near by, thanks to the lay down back seats in my car, an orange scarf, I loaded them in, drove home slowly!
(picking up wood palates to stack our wood on this winter)
Ever busy here in Maine!
we use things recycled too, most of whatever we make we already had laying around or someone else's house that they don't want to dismantle.

you just never can tell what you can do with something that is used for one purpose but applied to another.

there is more than one way to skin a cat, but uh why skin a cat again?
LittleChickenRacingTeam wrote:I switched to using $10 bills to light my cigars instead of $50's

There's one in every forum.

We do a combination of a lot of things already mentioned; re-using bath towels, grocery bags for garbage bags, etc. My wife can be VERY -ahem- "frugal".

And I love her for it.​
I have always tried to save money on things. I feel so bad that I didn't give cloth diapers a try, but I will on my next child.
I almost always reuse my plastic bags. My husband thinks I lost my mind. I always save my water bottles and make tea and refill them with it. I found that saves alot of money.
This spring a friend gave us to 250 gal water tanks. I made my husband put them under the down spouts. I use that water for everything outside. They come in really handy especially since the water is always warm. We filled my son's little pool with them. I wash him and anyone else off when they get dirty. I can water my whole garden and all my flower beds and only use about 1/4 of the tank. I still yet had used all of one. We have been lucky we have had a lot of water. They are always filled.
My husband is going to make the water from my horse barn go straight into the horse tank. That will be nice. I am always looking for better ways. I have learned a lot of this list and I have only been here for less than a week. I am right now working getting more chickens and some milking goats. I want to make it where I don't have to rely on the stores in town. I am lucky in the meat area because my father-in-law raises angus. So, we always have beef. And we alway buy a pig and fatten it up for meat. Thanks to anyone for the great ideas.
Freecycle is a great way to get stuff and get rid of stuff; I got 2 wooden ladders there and 6 windows to use for cold frames. Gave away a coffee carafe.

We use teabags twice and compost them. I get used coffee grounds from Starbucks and apply to garden and compost. We had a lean winter, and I took to baking a loaf of no knead bread every day. Leftovers became croutons and chicken food.

Going to try seed saving this year from my open pollinated vegetables. Also going to set aside some of my garlic harvest for planting in the fall. Free, free, free!
For those with a Value Village or Savers in their area, every Tuesday is a tag color that is .99 cents through out the store. I go every Tuesday that I can and buy name brand clothing, new with tags for a buck. Shoes and kitchen items, household stuff, all of it is on sale. You have to get there before 9:00 am. There is always a line at the door but trust me, you will find lots of good stuff!

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