LG still air LOCKDOWN - humidity too low??

I'm sorry the chicky didn't make it
So none of the eggs hatched. We opened them last night, only 4 had developed and died around the time we put them in the hatching incubator. However, we have a hatch due on Thursday and one hatched this morning!!! And many others have pipped!!
we have a baby!!!

YAY!! I was so excited!!! Did you get my PM, luvmychickas? My computer was doing weird things last night and I'm not sure if it sent. I can't see any of my sent PM's.
Hurray! That helps doesn't it?

Did you ever find out why you could not keep the humidity up? That is so frustrating. I have one also that doesn't like to keep the humidity up like the others.
I am thinking it just doesn't seal down somewhere.
Got it and was about to reply in a few
My daughter and hubby take over the computer after school/work especially since I have it all day because I am on vacation
rustyswoman, It helps sooo much!! My guess is that the LG still air without a fan is just very difficult to regulate and I think you are right about it not sealing. The one we have with a fan in it is doing great.
I hope to come home to many chicks - we have 18 more
in that bator!!
So do you have nose smudges all over the view lid yet? Oh my gosh, I just hover at hatching.
Got my handy dandy flashlight and can't stop looking for pips! I love to be there when they actually push out of the egg and feel robbed if I miss it.
Then on the other hand when I am really worried that not one will hatch I have to leave and go do errands because I just can't stand looking and seeing nothing.
I just love those babies.
So what is hatching out???
Oh there are smudges!! And I too have the flashlight...I am constantly in there looking for pips!! I really want to see one hatch out....I missed the one this morning. Hopefully I'll see one of the other ones. We have the following hatching:

3 Blue Marans
3 White Marans
14 BCM
10 Wheaton Marans

luvmychickas, hope the computer issue isn't the harddrive
Did you get the "Bluescreen"?

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