LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Hi, all, I'm a gay chicken keeper, homesteader-ish. I'm married to a dude and have a young child and too many chickens, lol. It's really easy to sit on my 13 acres (finally deeded to me, so it's really mine!) and ignore the outside world, but the rural area I live in means I am also on my guard at swaps and during sales. From Facebook, I know I've sold to people who I would not be comfortable talking to about my family. I see others getting to know one another at swaps and becoming friends and I hang back to see who strikes me just right, who is worth taking the risk of outing myself. I was disappointed with what still remains of the first comments here, never mind the ones I wasn't able to read, but it all goes all ways. As someone else pointed out, until someone outs themselves on this, that or the other dimension, we're all equal. Sometimes you find out someone you liked well enough isn't who you thought, in a good way or a bad one, whatever good and bad mean to you. Sometimes people I know are surprised that the dude covered in chicken poop is married to another man, and sometimes I discover someone I imagined a friend isn't really. Like coming out, it doesn't stop while we're living. I appreciate the official support from Nifty, OPs efforts to retrack the conversation where it was intended and those who chimed in supportively.

A warm welcome to the thread! I totally feel selling/buying from people who may disagree with you. I bought some birds from a man once who was VERY confused when my dad referred to me as his son.
A warm welcome to the thread! I totally feel selling/buying from people who may disagree with you. I bought some birds from a man once who was VERY confused when my dad referred to me as his son.
Oh, my, yes. Sometimes we get confused for father & son, though not for the same reason. It comes of marrying someone many inches taller than myself. It doesn't matter that I'm almost 40 and there's no way he's old enough to be my father, it's just easier to jump to that for some people than to the truth.
Oh, my, yes. Sometimes we get confused for father & son, though not for the same reason. It comes of marrying someone many inches taller than myself. It doesn't matter that I'm almost 40 and there's no way he's old enough to be my father, it's just easier to jump to that for some people than to the truth.
Yep, me and the girl I first sort-of dated (I was a freshman in high school, it was weird) were always confused for siblings. Excuse me, but there’s another reason we are holding hands...
The chickens are very well here. I'm at summer production for eggs, magically. Okay, not so magically. I put light on them. After starting the light sooner, I forgot that the light and the heat plate I use to brood outdoors were both plugged into the timer. Believe it or not, the chicks I had hatched, only a week old or so, made it through two nights of 20-something temps before I realized what was happening: the timer was turning the heat plate off at night. They're a lot hardier than we give them credit for! I got lucky, too, that nothing happened. So I removed the light and the timer until the chicks were done with the heat and now things are finally getting back to normal for laying. With four new layers, I'm getting almost two dozen eggs a day. Yay, money! lol

I also found out that my son is going to be the little red hen for his class play, one of two so that everyone gets a part. Since he'd literally had to remind me that he's a boy like five seconds earlier, so I asked him if he were to be the little red rooster or still the little red hen. Hen, DUH, DAD. It's in the name of the story. Sorry for asking, but you have a chickener for a father, these little differences matter for the chickens!
Our flock is doing great. Still not laying yet though but that's alright. Our 8 month old cockerel got a no crow collar put on and he's doing fine. He's had it on for 3 days now and hasn't crowed. He's only just now started to try and win the affections of the hens and pullets but isn't successful yet.
We currently have building their new bigger coop on hold until we get some dry days to work on it.
I'm also working on my list for baby chicks I will be getting from the feed store.
I don’t really want this thread to die. How’s everyone doing? I’m currently trying to get my seramas to lay. Ugh.
I wasn’t getting notifications on the thread so glad I saw it pop up today!

I have 30 week olds I moved from inside to the garage. It stays a bit warmer in there above 50 at night so mybrinsea heat plates work. They won’t work outside below 50 :( and my others are still in use outside by the 60 meat birds turning 5 weeks old. They’re slow growing so they probably need heat the rest of this week.

I’ve gone over the last week from 1-3 eggs a day to TEN! Yay!!!!!!! I poorly timed my pullets over last year, and I’m getting so many birds come into lay late. I bet I go from 3 eggs a day to 15-20 in a matter of weeks.

@allosaurusrock are you going to be incubating the seramas???
Our flock is doing great. Still not laying yet though but that's alright. Our 8 month old cockerel got a no crow collar put on and he's doing fine. He's had it on for 3 days now and hasn't crowed. He's only just now started to try and win the affections of the hens and pullets but isn't successful yet.
We currently have building their new bigger coop on hold until we get some dry days to work on it.
I'm also working on my list for baby chicks I will be getting from the feed store.
What breeds are you thinking???

The chickens are very well here. I'm at summer production for eggs, magically. Okay, not so magically. I put light on them. After starting the light sooner, I forgot that the light and the heat plate I use to brood outdoors were both plugged into the timer. Believe it or not, the chicks I had hatched, only a week old or so, made it through two nights of 20-something temps before I realized what was happening: the timer was turning the heat plate off at night. They're a lot hardier than we give them credit for! I got lucky, too, that nothing happened. So I removed the light and the timer until the chicks were done with the heat and now things are finally getting back to normal for laying. With four new layers, I'm getting almost two dozen eggs a day. Yay, money! lol

I also found out that my son is going to be the little red hen for his class play, one of two so that everyone gets a part. Since he'd literally had to remind me that he's a boy like five seconds earlier, so I asked him if he were to be the little red rooster or still the little red hen. Hen, DUH, DAD. It's in the name of the story. Sorry for asking, but you have a chickener for a father, these little differences matter for the chickens!
This whole post made me chuckle.
Oh!!! I finally got a breeder marans to point of lay!!!! Have a hatchery Blue Cuckoo Marans but that’s it

my first hatch I had to give the two girls to someone to take ALL the boys I hatched.

my second I kept a BCM pullet and she got taken by a hawk. :-(

my THIRD was super disappointing in that the one marans egg that ended up hatching was a RIR/marans mix. I LOVE her but noooooot what I paid for.

finally I asked someone to throw in two blue copper marans eggs with the orpingtons I hatched in August. Got a pullet and she laid first egg this week!!!


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