LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

I don't disagree - there is value in debate in that if done fairly - you can learn another's perspective. The internet is a really crappy place to debate, though. But I don't think the OP was here to debate or be judged. They were here as someone that feared the Ag community would not accept them, despite loving the idea of being involved in Ag and education. I was glad to see how quickly they connected.

I do think that even those disagreeing in this debate are actually trying to say that they accept anyone, but they were concerned with terminology.

I called the OP brave - not sure if anyone else did. Here's why that matters - It's estimated that approx 5% of the US population is part of the LGBT community. As I'd assume that's under-reported in stats - let's just say it's 10%. The gender fluid / transitioning is a small percentage of THAT 10%.
So let's call it 1% of the population. Being part of 1% trying to find a like minded community is brave. If I said I'm part of the 90% of the population that straight, or 49% that's male, or 72% that's caucasian - I will find like community immediately - no bravery required.
By “dialogue” I didn’t wish to mean debate, so I apologise for my lack of clarity. There is nothing to contend, merely a willingness to engage and understand- that’s all. I agree with your sentiments.

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