LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

I have to confess something.
Although I've been cheery and happy-ish these past couple weeks, mentally I've been terrible.
I haven't been getting enough sleep and I only eat dinner everyday. I drink water and coffee throughout the day.
Please send some good vibes my way while I get through this
We’re all here for you :hugs if you need anything, or even just to talk you know who to ask
I used to dislike self diagnosis but now I really get it. It's not always straight forward getting a diagnosed, it can take a level of privilege, a lot of the time.
I'm self diagnosed autistic, and I say that after so many signs throughout my life, that I've been told to ignore. After a professional told me casually that I could probably get a diagnosis, and after taking multiple tests online which my autistic partner made me take due to suspicions... (and scoring extremely high on them)
Diagnosis just isn't possible for me right now, seems like a lot of energy and time for them to misdiagnose me or tell me its just anxiety or something. Being a woman is fun :rolleyes:
I have run into so many issues! It really feels like you have to diagnose yourself before you can get anymore help 😅 .

I was supposed to be tested for autism, they sent an online form to fill but for some reason when ever we tried to fill it in (on multiple devices) the first few lines were squashed together! So we couldn't fill it in completely. We told them that but they didn't do anything and now its long past the deadline for sending it in 🙄

@EEforMe maybe you should start that thread 😆
I have to confess something.
Although I've been cheery and happy-ish these past couple weeks, mentally I've been terrible.
I haven't been getting enough sleep and I only eat dinner everyday. I drink water and coffee throughout the day.
Please send some good vibes my way while I get through this
:hugsMy mood has been bad too 🙁


I have to confess something.
Although I've been cheery and happy-ish these past couple weeks, mentally I've been terrible.
I haven't been getting enough sleep and I only eat dinner everyday. I drink water and coffee throughout the day.
Please send some good vibes my way while I get through this
I hope you have a better weekend! Something that really helped motivate me to keep moving, and this is prob more of a fix for my ADHD than depression although it helped me for both, is making a list the night before of things I wanted to accomplish. Even easy stuff like eating breakfast or feeding the chickens cause those easy ones help me motivate to do harder tasks. Also it's important to make this list the day before when you're motivated cause the morning of you're usually tired and unmotivated and your brain isn't fully functioning. I hope this helps! 💖💖💖
I have to confess something.
Although I've been cheery and happy-ish these past couple weeks, mentally I've been terrible.
I haven't been getting enough sleep and I only eat dinner everyday. I drink water and coffee throughout the day.
Please send some good vibes my way while I get through this
it's been tough lately for me too. we'll both get through this though, it'll be ok :)
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Apparently I've decided buying plants helps woth that. Had a single cactus in December (also had an aloe for a few years, but it died in like november)November, now I have that cactus, a Christmas cactus on crack, an Easter Cactus, a spider plant, 3 orchids and several little cuttings of the holiday cacti.

Also have some glow in the dark plants hopefully coming in April for me and mom.

Might get an air plant in summer, also want to get a 4th Orchid (a green flower) and at least one more little cactus
Yay more plant friends! I started my little collection by "accident" last year. And um... I'm up to... -checks spreadsheet- 18 plants thus far! I've got a good collection of tropicals mostly (I love my monsteras and calatheas) though there's a couple succulents and one fern.
By “just” I meant a couple months ago :oops:. I water most of my plants weekly but there’s some that need more or or less (like my prayer plant shrivels up and dies if it’s not practically soaking all the time)

I've heard marantas can be dramatic, your experience seems to confirm it!
HA! Okay so... funny story. I kill succulents but I do REALLY well with my Calatheas (And Marantas also). I can't wait to have a stromanthe because just yes. Idk I guess I'm just better with the finicky plants! Which reminds me I really need to water my plants soon. I'm technically overdue for a couple and I'm slightly worried my Syngonium might be wilting :oops:

On the chicken side of things! I just set 24 eggs in my incubator! (It's pretty tight in there, I got every single egg I could fit in this thing!) There's one spare in case anything goes sideways but by the time I check idk if that thing will hatch... I might just need to sacrifice it to the "checking if fertility is good" gods. I just hope my old Brinsea does as good of a job as it has in the past. I can't wait to get a bigger/better incubator. But one thing at a time.

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