LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

My Buff Orpingtons loved being held when they were small but for some reason when I transitioned them outside they stopped liking it. They will eat out of my hand for treats but run off. So you thought she was a Cockerel for a while? I was convinced at least 2 of my girls were. My friendliest bird right now is my Barred Plymouth Rock named Clarice. She is very inquisitive and will actually come up to me for attention
My Buff Orpingtons loved being held when they were small but for some reason when I transitioned them outside they stopped liking it. They will eat out of my hand for treats but run off. So you thought she was a Cockerel for a while? I was convinced at least 2 of my girls were. My friendliest bird right now is my Barred Plymouth Rock named Clarice. She is very inquisitive and will actually come up to me for attention
Well, I got her and her brother mixed up when they were chicks a lot. And I mean a lot. They just looked exactly the same, so I accidentally mixed it up while naming them. It was confusing, that’s for sure.
Makes sense. Now that mine are older I had to get like colored anklets to put on them so I could tell them apart haha. I'm hoping my 2 EEs look different enough to be able to name them and keep it straight
EEs normally look different, I was just unlucky and got what I think of as identical twins. I couldn’t tell Georgie and Prince apart until they were 3.5 weeks old, and even then they looked similar. They still do look a bit similar.
That's fun, so do you have 1 Cockerel then? I wish I could have one sometimes so I could breed my own but my area forbids them
I did end up with Prince the Cockerel. My area also forbids them :oops:, but me and a neighbor two house down have crowing boys and no one really minds. I have a horrible ratio of girls and boys now, but some more chickens will help with that,
I did end up with Prince the Cockerel. My area also forbids them :oops:, but me and a neighbor two house down have crowing boys and no one really minds. I have a horrible ratio of girls and boys now, but some more chickens will help with that,
That's amazing! There is another rooster somewhere on our block that we hear and both my neighbors on either side said they would be ok if I got one as long as I bribe them with eggs haha. My wife doesn't want me to have any more though and it took a lot to convince her to let me get the EEs.
@jolenesdad I hope so more because my son named one of them Pluto and doesn't like that he can't pet him right now
This thread hasn’t been active for awhile, but I though as an LGBTQ+ chicken keeper I should hop onto this thread.

My name is Annabelle and I am a bi & trans woman.

I decided I was a girl before I can remember, so I don’t recall life as a boy. I have never really mentioned I was trans on here, mostly because I didn’t feel a need to. Backlash for being trans is a lot more common it seems then backlash on your sexual orientation, so I also didn’t really want to mention it. But since this is an LGBT thread, I thought I should.

I have been bi for my whole life, and was never really taught it was a thing to be ashamed of. My family as a whole is very accepting of the LGBTQ+ community, so for a long time I didn’t even know I was different. The first negative reaction I had with it was when I went to prom. I went with my best friend ( and later GF) Karen, and it was a blast. There was just this one mother there for some reason, and she just couldn’t have it. Needless to say both of our parent/s got a call from that lady, and it was ridiculous to hear.

So enough about that, I have been near chickens for my whole life. When I was 2, my parents divorced and my dad moved to the city. My mom, on the other hand, stayed on our small farm and raised chickens. It was fun to be around them growing up, and I decided I would have them when I was an adult. But when I finally got out of college, I was broke. I just got back into chickens this spring, and am now completely addicted.
This is off topic but can I assume that Double Trouble is your favorite character from She-Ra and the princesses of power? Your profile photo was the first thing I noticed here before reading your post.

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