LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

I also enjoy languages. Learning spoken words is more difficult now. I appreciate my hearing aids, but they only do so much. I was taking classes in Mandarin a couple years ago and that was very difficult. I think it is time for me to move on from spoken words. 😉

Previously I considered myself fluent in Spanish and Swedish, but over the last 20 years without much practice my abilities have big gaps.
Swedish! I love Scandinavian languages. I was learning Bokmal a year ago but stopped to focus on Vietnamese more intensely.
Hola everyone! What does everyone have planned for today? I’m headed to the library; hopefully find something decent to get into.
Salem! I want to bake something today, any ideas? I have lots of flour, butter, and eggs. I also have lemons, limes, and apple butter. I will also be going to a Spanish meet, grocery shopping, and work on my business's Instagrams and websites.

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